my set up consist of about 100 mw green and 200mw red, does anyone have a suggestion of what Ma i should set my 445 blue to, so it will be equal with the rest of my laser setup.
i don't have a watt meter only an amp meter.
thanks and God bless.
my set up consist of about 100 mw green and 200mw red, does anyone have a suggestion of what Ma i should set my 445 blue to, so it will be equal with the rest of my laser setup.
i don't have a watt meter only an amp meter.
thanks and God bless.
God Bless.
The easiest would be to set it low to begin with, like 100mA and then turn it up to match your other lasers, when the beam turns white enough for your taste you are there!
You do realize we have a forum for 445nm questions and the answer to this question has been there for months?
There's a search tool on this forum. Please use it before posting 2348373 questions that have already been answered.
Actually, the answer there (assuming you're referring to the table of output mW to mA input, done by someone I can't remember) is only relative to that particular diode, and that particular lense.
In my experience, I got quite different results, and my 2 identical setups required quite different amounts of power to produce equal amounts of power (due to the also well documented issue of diode grading in the 445 forum - but you'd have seen that already, huh..?).
So I would agree, the best way to do it would be by sight until you achieve the correct balance.