Hey everyone,
So I'm doing an internship with a company near where I go to school, and they're having me design a laser show with an Atlaser Poseidon SV6 and the iShow laser software. After reading about the software here I've decided to download and try Sergey's software, which I'll take a crack at tonight.
The laser show involves taking several company logos and converting them to a laser show, so that they display, rotate, etc. The issue I'm having with this is that, in iShow, I'll import .plt files from CorelDraw and convert them to .ddr and then .ild. Since I don't have a computer interface for the projector, I'll plug in the SD card with the saved config file and display them. This is where I run into my problem.
The logos degrade substancially with a scanrate rate that's high enough to make them appear solid. Trace lines appear randomly, corners fold in on themselves, etc. Bear in mind this is with iShow as I haven't yet attempted Sergey's. My question is, is it possible to avoid this issue through some kind of drawing technique that I'm missing, or is the low quality of the laser causing issues? The show is in three days and I'd like to have this put together as soon as possible. Also, any tips that you guys can offer a newbie would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again,