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Thread: AixiZ Laser modules

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Southampton, UK

    Default AixiZ Laser modules

    AixiZ Laser modules
    I have a red MaXZY module and its been great, but I decided that I wanted a much smaller 100mw+ module so I purchased a AixiZ module by eBay. After a few weeks on nothing, other than a positive feedback from AixiZ, I contacted them.


    So I contacted them again.


    So I put in a PayPal complaint.

    Long wait then.

    "I think we were waiting to hear from you, AixiZ."

    :evil: Checks air fares to vist above *astard

    The after another few weeks an explanation...

    "Dear Customer,

    We had a problem in inventory of 650nm 100mw 18mm Diameter laser module. The inventory was supposed to be with us a month a go yet it was held and delayed for customs issues. We can either refund you or replace with regular 12mm diameter laser module with credit for the balance.
    We apologize for the inconveniece and delay.

    We appreciate your business very much.

    Thank you,

    Xia Yang
    Customer Service
    AixiZ Servic & Int'l, LLC
    T: (832) 549-5497
    F: (281) 481-9074"

    So I accepted thier offer, but wait there was a problem.

    "We have the lasers in and I need to confirm that Xia has shipped one.

    However, given the PayPal status, we can't ship unless you life the paypal hold, they will refund in 3 days.


    So in summery I have paid, they didnt ship, and they wont ship unless I lift my complaint (which can't be reinstated)...... Excuse me can you hold this hammer while I tie my shoe laces...

    AixiZ offer bad service, never seen the product so can't comment, they are rude and very stressfull. My advice is DO NOT BUY FROM THEM.

    They might come on here and refute this, if they do then I might have to go and see them face to face.

    My next RED is going to be another MaXZY red.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Welcome back Gold!!!

    its good to see you again..

    Well, I cant say too much about Aixiz..
    I have ordered a few things from them in the past
    but always something disposable..
    (edit)- I made an order from them on the 5th of dec.Now -it is Jan 2
    I still do not have my order ..They told me it was sent out just before xmas..ah well)

    I have heard of a few that got those bigger 100mw units from them and
    had to send back because of failure..
    Static is a big problem.. or, they've been running them without a heatsink
    or diodes in them are too small.. dunno.

    I too wanted something from them..
    I had emailed them for pricing and availabilty of their higher powered 635nm diodes...
    I have sent them repeated emailed for months , I have not heard back from them..

    Ah well.. I can only guess,... they really dont have any.

    I hope you get some satisfaction from them

    Meanwhile., we have upgraded the diodes in our modules to
    the 350mW 658nm units .. So we are up to 170mW now..
    I still run the diodes at half power for long life.
    And, a better TTL and analog circuit as well...

    I still offer upgrades to the older units to the better TTL too!!
    As well as diode upgrades..

    I am still working out details on getting some 635nm 50mw
    and 100mw diodes..
    Hopefully before the year is done,., we will have them in
    "My signature has been taken, so Insert another here"
    *^_^* aka PhiloUHF

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Hamburger, Germany

    Default do you know why?

    Because many lasers of theirs are from CNIaser, the quality of CNI is not so stable, and delivery time is too long, so you should be appreciated to wait.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Glad I read this.

    They are running a 100mW green module for $265 on ebay as pointed out in the northernoptics thread.

    I was tempted but I don't want a hassle and I have no way of verifying the power rating.

    Nice pricing however, I hope its indicitive of market trend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Houston, Texas


    AixiZ apologizes for this problem and we would like to send you a free 100mw module.
    Chuck Maricle - AixiZ

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Houston, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by pietruk
    Glad I read this.

    They are running a 100mW green module for $265 on ebay as pointed out in the northernoptics thread.

    I was tempted but I don't want a hassle and I have no way of verifying the power rating.

    Nice pricing however, I hope its indicitive of market trend.
    Our 100mw units typically run about 130mw or so. We sell a lot of these,, they are custom manufactured for us.
    Chuck Maricle - AixiZ

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