This ones not for download so more for inspiration although I'll be putting some more creations up soon for anyone who likes them.
I had to share this because I just love the effect I created.
Unlike most liquid skies / fans, the beams here appear to propogate from the centre outwards in opposite directions instead of from left to right. I say appear because assuming QS follows basic creation rules regarding beam paths then the scanning should still be left to right but the appearance of propogation from the centre comes about through changes in position of the each coloured part of the beam rather than from scanning from the centre out which is of course impossible.
Other thing I like about this one is the tranisitions. Look at the beams carefully. Each individual coloured segment within the fan fades and merges smoothly from one colour to the next. These aren't just colour changes that are going on but proper fades on each individual segment and on both edges of each individual segment simoultaneously.
Its actually much nicer in reality than in the video: