might be of interest to someone
and blue
might be of interest to someone
and blue
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
no international shipping...
but it is nice to see how they assembled their 445 module... just two diodes PBS'ed and then into a telescope...
I would be willing to go in half on the red unit......cost and half the laser keep the telescope. It will probably go sky high in price...would be a time saver indeed. That would be 6 - 642nm diodes in one polorisation...ready to work. Then mix in 660 on another modulation line for some really nice red...
You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich
if someone on PL does buy it we couldl end a lens and the telescopics to someone on PL to measure their exact spec.
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
hahaha just found out whos selling these units also.
Eat Sleep Lase Repeat
So does this mean that we may have an inside chance to buy it? Allthat....let me know. Maybe they would consider an offer?? The diodes alone cost $1600 when new. I am sure they get a discount though...maybe a lot less than that I am sure.
You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich
Hell no; I got nothing. I get yelled at for mentioning shit like this. The boss has a 1965 Ford Falcon I need to start throwing money at instead of this pit. I am sincerely calling you evil... I actually need more green before red.