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Thread: Experimental Brightness Attenuator / Scan fail

  1. #1
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    Default Experimental Brightness Attenuator / Scan fail

    OK, a while back one William R. Benner wanted to see whom could get the closest to a 69 cent scan fail. His requirement was one opamp, low cost parts, and easy to adjust.

    Here is my latest entry.

    Note, this is not a absolute scan fail, it is a simple design, and attenuates the laser instead of 100% switchoff. It will pull a 5V analog input to six tenths of a volt, in other words most lasers will not go 100% off. This could be improved by replacing Q2 with a N channel Fet.

    Operation, it looks for large voltage swings in the galvo feedback signals, yet tends to ignore small, noisy, signals.

    I'm still toying with it in the simulator, but some of you may find the input block "interesting" for conditioning analog signals.

    The circuit is not "calibrated" for any given situation, that is up to the builder.
    for example, the diode used to set the threshold may be switched to a potentiometer, and altering the resistor (R5) in front of the two coupling caps changes the input frequency response somewhat. You may of course replace the back to back caps with a "NPO" non polarized electrolytic.

    One of these days I may try turning Q1 and Q2 into a monostable, but for now, its a nice toy in the simulation software.

    Note, corrected attached drawing.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails QUASIscanFail2.bmp  

    Last edited by mixedgas; 10-25-2010 at 12:34.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Stockholm, Sweden


    Nice, good job!
    I don't have the time to try it for real but I hope someone else does it and reports back!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Amsterdam, NL


    The schematic looks very clean, nice job.

    Is it possible to add a horizon control with a potentiometer so you can have the scan fail on below the horizon and still can use static beams above the horizon.

  4. #4
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    Default Advancd version for mccarrot.

    Quote Originally Posted by mccarrot View Post
    The schematic looks very clean, nice job.

    Is it possible to add a horizon control with a potentiometer so you can have the scan fail on below the horizon and still can use static beams above the horizon.
    As that sort of defeats the purpose of "Bills challenge" I'm going to give that to you in a different format.

    LT Spice is a free download and a breeze to use, although it has some limitations. You can even convert one axis of a ILDA file to a wav file using Laserboy, and import it as a waveform. Have not tried it that yet, I test things with 2 sine or square waves, plus noise, beat together in a mixer circuit and input into the DUT circuit. If the waves are audio and say 1.00 Khz and 1.020 Khz, you can get nice simulations for test.


    While I could of just added a HC series logic gate, I kept with the M^2L spirit.
    Note M^2L is "mickey mouse logic", logic done with crude yet effective, cheap, parts.
    Use TL084 for the opamps and LM741 for the compare circuit.

    Paste the following text into a text file called scanfail2.asc and copy it to the LT Spice directory.


    Version 4
    SHEET 1 1596 880
    WIRE 1296 96 1280 96
    WIRE 1328 96 1296 96
    WIRE -352 112 -368 112
    WIRE -256 112 -272 112
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    WIRE 1200 224 1184 224
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    WIRE -256 240 -288 240
    WIRE -160 240 -176 240
    WIRE -80 240 -96 240
    WIRE -352 256 -384 256
    WIRE -16 256 -16 240
    WIRE 48 256 48 128
    WIRE 48 256 -16 256
    WIRE 128 256 48 256
    WIRE 288 256 288 208
    WIRE 288 256 208 256
    WIRE 448 256 448 144
    WIRE 496 256 496 176
    WIRE 496 256 448 256
    WIRE 512 256 496 256
    WIRE 608 272 608 176
    WIRE 608 272 576 272
    WIRE 640 272 608 272
    WIRE 848 272 784 272
    WIRE 960 272 928 272
    WIRE 1088 272 1088 224
    WIRE 1120 272 1088 272
    WIRE 288 288 288 256
    WIRE 512 288 496 288
    WIRE -384 304 -384 256
    WIRE 496 320 496 288
    WIRE 784 320 784 272
    WIRE 1200 320 1184 320
    WIRE 48 336 48 256
    WIRE 128 336 48 336
    WIRE 704 336 704 272
    WIRE 288 352 192 352
    WIRE 368 352 288 352
    WIRE 448 352 448 256
    WIRE 128 368 80 368
    WIRE 1024 400 1024 320
    WIRE 784 416 784 384
    WIRE 1200 416 1200 320
    WIRE 704 448 704 416
    WIRE -32 528 -32 512
    WIRE 80 528 80 368
    WIRE 80 528 -32 528
    WIRE 784 528 784 496
    WIRE 112 592 64 592
    WIRE -32 624 -32 592
    WIRE 416 656 416 608
    WIRE -112 672 -112 656
    WIRE 64 672 64 592
    WIRE 64 672 -112 672
    WIRE 192 672 112 672
    WIRE 336 672 336 608
    WIRE 384 672 336 672
    WIRE 112 688 112 672
    WIRE 512 688 448 688
    WIRE 544 688 512 688
    WIRE 656 688 608 688
    WIRE 960 688 960 272
    WIRE 960 688 736 688
    WIRE 192 704 192 672
    WIRE 320 704 192 704
    WIRE 384 704 320 704
    WIRE -112 768 -112 736
    WIRE 416 768 416 720
    WIRE 512 768 512 688
    WIRE 112 800 112 768
    WIRE 320 832 320 704
    WIRE 512 832 320 832
    FLAG 96 176 0
    FLAG 496 320 0
    FLAG -384 304 0
    FLAG -32 624 0
    FLAG 1024 400 0
    FLAG 704 448 0
    FLAG 1200 416 0
    FLAG 1104 192 0
    FLAG 784 528 0
    FLAG 416 768 0
    FLAG 112 800 0
    FLAG -112 768 0
    SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1001 160 80 R0
    WINDOW 3 236 -4 Left 0
    SYMATTR InstName U1
    SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1001 160 288 R0
    WINDOW 3 233 -212 Left 0
    SYMATTR InstName U2
    SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1001 544 336 M180
    WINDOW 3 -148 263 Left 0
    SYMATTR InstName U3
    SYMBOL res 224 240 R90
    WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
    SYMATTR InstName R1
    SYMATTR Value 10K0
    SYMBOL diode 272 144 R0
    WINDOW 0 7 -48 Left 0
    WINDOW 3 19 -19 Left 0
    SYMATTR InstName D1
    SYMATTR Value 1N914
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    WINDOW 0 33 -27 Left 0
    WINDOW 3 20 104 Left 0
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    SYMATTR Value 1N914
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    WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
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    SYMATTR Value 10K0
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    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
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    SYMATTR Value 10K0
    SYMBOL res 480 160 M90
    WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
    SYMATTR InstName R4
    SYMATTR Value 10K0
    SYMBOL polcap -160 224 M90
    WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
    SYMATTR InstName C1
    SYMATTR Value 22µ
    SYMATTR Description Capacitor
    SYMATTR Type cap
    SYMATTR SpiceLine V=63 Irms=215m Rser=0.52 Lser=0 mfg="Nichicon" pn="UPL1J220MPH" type="Al electrolytic"
    SYMBOL polcap -16 224 R90
    WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
    SYMATTR InstName C2
    SYMATTR Value 22µ
    SYMATTR Description Capacitor
    SYMATTR Type cap
    SYMATTR SpiceLine V=16 Irms=55m Rser=2.4 Lser=0 mfg="Nichicon" pn="UPR1C220MAH" type="Al electrolytic"
    SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1001 -320 176 R0
    WINDOW 3 766 -109 Left 0
    SYMATTR InstName U4
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    WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
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    WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
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    SYMATTR Value 1k
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    SYMATTR InstName R7
    SYMATTR Value 10K0
    SYMBOL diode -48 528 R0
    WINDOW 0 54 32 Left 0
    SYMATTR InstName D3
    SYMATTR Value 1N914
    SYMBOL res -352 96 R90
    WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
    SYMATTR InstName R8
    SYMATTR Value 1k
    SYMBOL res -352 160 R90
    WINDOW 0 -184 -132 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
    SYMATTR InstName R9
    SYMATTR Value 1k
    SYMBOL diode 640 288 R270
    WINDOW 0 32 32 VTop 0
    WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 0
    SYMATTR InstName D4
    SYMATTR Value 1N914
    SYMBOL res 800 256 R90
    WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
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    SYMATTR InstName R10
    SYMATTR Value 10K0
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    SYMATTR Value 1µ
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    WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
    SYMATTR InstName R15
    SYMATTR Value 470
    SYMBOL npn 960 224 R0
    SYMATTR InstName Q1
    SYMBOL npn 1120 224 R0
    SYMATTR InstName Q2
    SYMBOL res 1008 64 R0
    WINDOW 3 -63 55 Left 0
    SYMATTR Value 10K
    SYMATTR InstName R11
    SYMBOL res 688 320 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R12
    SYMATTR Value 10K
    SYMBOL zener 1088 192 M270
    WINDOW 0 36 32 VTop 0
    WINDOW 3 -4 32 VBottom 0
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    WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
    SYMATTR InstName R13
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    SYMBOL res 1312 80 M90
    WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
    SYMATTR InstName R14
    SYMATTR Value 100
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    WINDOW 0 36 76 Left 0
    WINDOW 3 36 40 Left 0
    SYMATTR InstName R16
    SYMATTR Value 300
    SYMBOL res 768 400 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R17
    SYMATTR Value opt
    SYMBOL Opamps\\LT1001 416 624 R0
    WINDOW 3 -1 -555 Left 0
    SYMATTR InstName U5
    SYMBOL diode 544 704 R270
    WINDOW 0 32 32 VTop 0
    WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 0
    SYMATTR InstName D6
    SYMATTR Value 1N914
    SYMBOL res 96 576 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R18
    SYMATTR Value upper
    SYMBOL res 96 672 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R19
    SYMATTR Value lower
    SYMBOL zener -96 736 R180
    WINDOW 0 24 72 Left 0
    WINDOW 3 24 0 Left 0
    SYMATTR InstName D7
    SYMBOL res -128 560 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R20
    SYMATTR Value 1K
    SYMBOL cap 496 768 R0
    SYMATTR InstName C4
    SYMATTR Value 100pf
    SYMBOL res 320 512 R0
    SYMATTR InstName R21
    SYMATTR Value 1K
    SYMBOL res 752 672 R90
    WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
    WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
    SYMATTR InstName R22
    SYMATTR Value 470
    TEXT -48 400 Left 0 ;Vcc
    TEXT -512 112 Left 0 ;X IN
    TEXT -520 176 Left 0 ;Y IN
    TEXT 1128 24 Left 0 ;COLOR IN
    TEXT 1432 72 Left 0 ;COLOR OUT
    TEXT 1008 48 Left 0 ;VCC
    TEXT 1272 16 Left 0 ;ATTENUATOR
    TEXT 976 -16 Left 0 ;INVERTER
    TEXT 560 80 Left 0 ;SCHMIDT
    TEXT 72 56 Left 0 ;CONDITIONER
    TEXT -336 32 Left 0 ;BUFFER
    TEXT 88 416 Left 0 ;Threshold Voltage
    TEXT 736 136 Left 0 ;TIME
    TEXT 712 168 Left 0 ;CONSTANT
    TEXT -168 104 Left 0 ;AC COUPLING
    TEXT -128 536 Left 0 ;VCC
    TEXT 408 576 Left 0 ;VCC
    TEXT 248 480 Left 0 ;+Y IN (ZERO LINE)
    TEXT 32 848 Left 0 ;Threshold Voltage
    TEXT 296 864 Left 0 ;STATIC BEAM OVER RIDE
    Last edited by mixedgas; 10-26-2010 at 15:44.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Amsterdam, NL

    Thumbs up

    Thanks for sharing!!!

    I never used this program, so I'm a little bit in a learning curve at the moment, learning how to do good simulations.

    I'm more used to breadboards and a scope.

  6. #6
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
    Infinitus Excellentia Ion Laser Dominatus
    Join Date
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    A lab with some dripping water on the floor.


    Quote Originally Posted by mccarrot View Post
    Thanks for sharing!!!

    I never used this program, so I'm a little bit in a learning curve at the moment, learning how to do good simulations.

    I'm more used to breadboards and a scope.

    Yeah, the sim mode learning curve is steep, and the fact that the default parts are mostly all Linear Tech chips can be a bit of a drag. It has trouble with a few minor things like linear oscillator circuit startup, but its free,has many users, is actually pretty good, and you can reach the guy who writes it if you have issues.

    Compared with other spice programs on the market, it is easier to use, in my opinion.

    I too do bench models, but when I need to bang out a analog circuit for someone who can already solder, owns a scope, and can decode parts packages and pinouts, it rocks.

    So I figured you'd like to do a little learning.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Miami, FL


    see I never understood the point of one of these scan fails... if you have a beam stop to prevent your projection from entering the audience it seems like one extra thing that can go wrong in your show...

    plus sometimes a slow, sweeping static dot can be a really cool effect for certain songs... although pangolin usually inserts invisible "points" even if your just projecting a dot so maybe it won't be an issue

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    East Sussex, England


    Guidelines for crowd scanning 10xMPE are that you have a suitable scan fail device in operation

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Miami, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by norty303 View Post
    Guidelines for crowd scanning 10xMPE are that you have a suitable scan fail device in operation
    ya for you maybe, over here doing audience scanning legally isn't worth the trouble/resulting effect

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Amsterdam, NL


    Quote Originally Posted by flecom View Post
    see I never understood the point of one of these scan fails... if you have a beam stop to prevent your projection from entering the audience it seems like one extra thing that can go wrong in your show...
    Now what if your galvo PSU breaks down.

    Or one of the galvo's gets a melt down and get stuck (sometimes seen with chinese scanners)

    Or some idiot drive over your ILDA cable shorting only the X Y wires

    Or one of the Galvo drivers dies

    Or one of the galvo cable comes loose due to the 10KW PA system next to the laser.

    Or one of the galvo bearings gets stuk




    I hope the scanfail will never have to do its job, but if something goes wrong you will be happy you have it.

    Also if there is problem where a audiance member gives you a claim its good to proof you have a scanfail in place, this give you a advantage in court...

    finaly the guidelines advise you to use a scanfail.

    On only time you do not need to use a scanfail is when you mask of the audiance area with a cover, so in case of a problem there is zero chance a beam hits the audiance.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails MPE..JPG  

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