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Thread: Heya there.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Heya there.

    Who knows which way this will go. I strongly support organic and community driven growth.

    If you guys just want this to get in touch with people, no problem. If this needs to be expanded and subdivided in an attempt to duplicate the previous layout, no problem there either. Just keep me informed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yorkshire, UK


    Thanks Admin

    Even if this section of the forum doesn't prove too popular here on PL, at least it's a place where any visitors looking to find those of us interested in Holography can easily find us without too much searching.

    With the above in mind it would be nice if those of us with an interest in all things Holographic could make a post here so they can be easily identified


    Quote: "There is a theory which states that if ever, for any reason, anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another that states that this has already happened.”... Douglas Adams 1952 - 2001

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Good idea... but note that a replacement forum has already been created here:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yorkshire, UK



    There is now a domain name associated with the new forum that has been set up in Switzerland...

    Also, there's a new forum in the States...

    Oh, and don't forget the very long established Holography Group run by Frank DeFreitas...

    There's loads of cool Holography information there and some of the best know names in the Holographic World are registered members

    So, it appears the gap that has been left has been filled. However, I guess the forum that will get the votes is the one that gets the archives of the old Holography Forum.

    Still, I think it's a good idea that we have this section here on Photonlexicon, even if it's just to point folks in the direction of the main source of Holography information.

    Last edited by Jem; 10-27-2010 at 09:11. Reason: Forgot to add a link
    Quote: "There is a theory which states that if ever, for any reason, anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another that states that this has already happened.”... Douglas Adams 1952 - 2001

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Cleveland, Ohio


    In my opinion, it's sick that he was pressured to close the forum by Selwyn Lissack and wipe the valuable and hard-earned holography information off the 'net.

    Here is the note the admin left in the forum's place:
    Dear Friends and Holographers:

    It is with much regret that I announce the closing of the Holography Forum. We created more than 46,000 posts and helped many new holographers get over the steep part of the learning curve. We also created new research and made the processes of creating and diagnosing DCG holography available to the public for the first time. For every active participant we had about 50 people that would lurk and read the information. Often I would be contacted by them to thank us even though they were to shy to post.

    In the beginning of the forum I had an idealistic idea and a need to have a way to communicate with holographers in order to grow as a holographer. I started the forum with a sense of hope that it would grow to a lively community. The premise was intentionally simple. “This is a forum to share experiences and ideas about holography.” The idea was to have a blank sheet of paper we could all see and comment on freely. We would allow the community to judge whose advice was trustworthy and whose was suspect and proceed at our own accord. All posts were un-edited and except for removing SPAM un-moderated.

    This idealistic goal worked very well to rapidly grow an avid community of holographers that would help each other selflessly but it also caused some problems. In the beginning when there was a question I would go through my library of books and personally research answers. As I did not have much experience with holography it was the best I could do. When there were practical questions I could not answer I would send emails to my contacts and get them to read and post. Eventually we had some great holographers from every era of holography posting and sharing their expertise.

    Over the last 8 years I have sent 1000s of emails and spent 100s of hours on the phone resolving conflicts. This has caused a great deal of stress in my life but it was a service I was happy to provide for the community. In the last 9 months I have been trying to resolve a conflict for Selwyn Lissack. HoloDisk aka Jon Dark who has now been identified as Mark Slater had posted a story about Selwyn all over the internet. One of the places it had appeared was in the old Network 54 forum and when we copied over the posts it was contained in the new forum. There were also references to other places on the web where the story still exists.

    The way internet law is evolving is odd and out of the scope of this letter. However, if I were to start editing posts then I would be governed under the laws of Journalism and be responsible for every post on the forum personally. I chose the other path of leaving all posts unedited. Setting the precedence of editing another’s words without permission was a liability I was not willing to take. I edited all the posts that I could get permission from the authors to edit. This was a very long process. As of the end of April I was convinced I had satisfied Selwyn’s demands.

    At the end of August Selwyn contacted me saying he was unhappy with the placement of the thread Bob Hess started supporting Selwyn in Google’s search engine and that he was still finding “trash” in the forum. He was trying to hold me personally responsible. I asked him to provide links which he declined to do. After a couple of emails and many phone calls to my work he hired:

    Tony Bhullar & Company,
    Barrister and Solcitors,
    5820 Ontario Street,
    City of Vancouver, British Columbia,
    V5W 2L7, CANADA.
    TELEPHONE: 778 316 4921 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 778 316 4921 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

    In speaking with Tony I was informed that Selwyn intended to start litigation in any or every country that had the internet against the forum and there was no way to stop it. I sent Selwyn the following message:

    Hi Selwyn,

    I had a long talk with your barrister or at least that is how he represented himself. While he and I disagree about the laws that apply I think we all agree on what we want.

    The way I see it we have three options.

    1. You can provide me links to threads and we can edit them together.

    2. I can write a script that deletes all threads with the term Selwyn or Lissack

    3. I can close the form and leave a page behind saying that I don't have the man power to edit the forum to Selwyn's satisfaction and thank everyone for their 8 years of participation.

    Let me know if any of these options is acceptable to you. If you are hell bent to get into court we can settle it there. If you would prefer to talk on the phone please email me for a good time as the lunch rush at my work is a really bad time.

    Colin Kaminski

    The reply I received was:

    'Yes he is a barrister and you can verify, that for yourself in a minute, on the web.

    I choose option number 3.

    As far as I can tell, you have done what I have asked of you, just keep that trash off the web

    and we will be fine.

    Do not write or try to contact me in anyway from now on, address all correspondence to

    my barrister.'

    This marked the end of the forum. While I could have decided to fight or ignore Selwyn’s option I decided that I need to spend my time on other projects. Getting off the computer will give me more time to make holograms, finish my Spectro-Helioscope and publish my book on Brewing Water Chemistry. I also got married in April and am expecting another child this March.

    I have created a script that removed all threads that referenced Selwyn. I am packaging the contents of the forum for storage on another server. The condition is that the threads stay locked. While this will leave a short term gap in the community I am sure the resourcefulness of the members will quickly move to fill the gap.

    Thank you every one for all of the effort put into the forum. I have learned a great deal and made many friends.


    Colin Kaminski
    Last edited by drlava; 10-27-2010 at 09:06. Reason: clarify what is opinion and fact

  6. #6
    mixedgas's Avatar
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    That was a gold mine of open source information.

    I hope its content returns.

    Holography is a ultra useful technique in the sciences, and it is sad one of the best sources of information about it is no longer a free and open source. As the world converts to "digital" methods, CCD sensors with phase detection have not yet reached the point of what one can do with photographic means, and thus any open repository of "HOW and WHY" was very important.

    Some perceive Holography to be dying and perhaps want to live in the past, yet with new sources and materials and methods that will fall into place in the next few years, I truly believe it will be prominent again.

    While I can understand needing to protect ones reputation, killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs of non commercial holographic art was a mistake. Holographic materials vendors that will retail small amounts are few and far between, making survival of the art precarious at this time.

    Clarke wrote: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

    The problem is we are running out of "magicians" who understand the why and how.

    I have one major project to finish up, and then I was going to start a project on holographic optics for lumia, and was counting on the data in the holo forum on emulsions being there. I am sadden by this event.

    Last edited by mixedgas; 10-27-2010 at 09:24.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    I do not have Colin's contact info but if someone here does - Would you be so kind to shoot him a message stating that PL will gladly rehost the forum data?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by drlava View Post
    In my opinion, it's sick that he was pressured to close the forum by Selwyn Lissack and wipe the valuable and hard-earned holography information off the 'net.

    Here is the note the admin left in the forum's place:
    I'd like to give Holography a try; it don't fit the budget at the moment.

    I do feel the need to comment; who is Selwyn and what gave him the right to have a forum taken down? Seems like he should feel real uncomforatble about that happening; if he doesn't maybe he needs help. The letter from Colin to replace the forum almost makes me interested in the whole story... but I have a feeling it would just cause me negative feelings. Just knowing that much information could be lost upsets me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    the hills



    People *are* indeed crazy.

    I am willing to do whatever is needed to get this resource back up for the general internet public; supporting PL more, hosting it, whatever needs done.

    I would like a backup of the site if possible to place in my repository of other sites I have helped rescue that were facing similar situations. At least there would be a snapshot of this point in time.

    If anyone could get me a copy of the database, it would be much appreciated.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    East Sussex, England


    Wow, although I have no specific interest in holography, the story itself brings out some dark, nasty side in me....

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