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Thread: New member

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Germany/close to Heidelberg

    Default New member

    Hi there,

    inspired by Groover who asked me about some of my shows I thought it might be nice to check out this forum. As common etiquette suggests I'd like to introduce myself.

    I'm from Germany, living close to Heidelberg, and am a revived laser freak since about two years. About 30 years ago - in my early boyhood - I got hooked on lasers by an Ar+ on display, and ever since looked forward to get a laser on my own. More than 15 years ago I finally invested in a HeNe, and using 3 remote controlled motors I was able to get (then) beautiful Lissajous. However, other things took over, and my tube went to hibernation.

    Well, about two years ago I got back to lasers again by realizing the price drop in DPSS pointers, which in turn got me hooked again (who wonders). I sucessfully managed to get through the MOT1 step motor phase without losing my eye sight and stranded so far with a 40 mW blue DPSS, not enough 150 mW red diodes and my pointer (pointer again, as I sold my green module just the other week) and M6008 scanners. The pointer is of course to be replaced, soon ;-)) Using Popelscan and therefore TTL colors with my 8bit DAC is not too bad, since I committed myself to beam shows. Some of them are even available for free from my web page (hint hint).

    I'm looking forward to meeting you guys (ladies?) here, and am keen on learning about you solving the common problems.

    Popelscan is still alive - check out here!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Hi there

    Welcome to this forum 8) 8) 8)

    It`s always nice to have new members here.
    And I`m glad to se another Popelscan user (as myself) :lol:

    I`m 24 years old and live in Norway.
    I did buy my first red laser in age of 8years..
    That laser did only last 2 years, then i take it apart and it`s broken :twisted:

    Then for 1 year ago I notice GREEN laser for first time
    And started to mod laserpointers from 5mW up to maybe 70mW

    And today I got the same scanners that you have (From and I got a SUPER nice DPSS 240mW green one from spec (thanx to spec)

    I still producing lasershow everyday with popelscan with my green one, but hoping that I soon can afford a RED and a BLUE dpss

    And if spec can sell me some D-40 GALVO I will upgrade my kit
    (to sad the M6008 only scan 8-10k maybe?)

    Cheers and welcome !!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005



    Damn , after looking to your avatar i notice that You are Chris LOL
    I know you haha..


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Germany/close to Heidelberg


    Hi Filip,

    it's a small world ;-) Nice meeting someone I already know.

    Just wondered myself about "that guy from Norway", but thought there are probably more than one nordmenn hooked on lasers ;-)

    Takker for the warm welcome
    Popelscan is still alive - check out here!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    hehe nope I AM the ONLY Norske out here that is into lasers... (it seems like it)

    Yes enjoy your stay here Chris, and btw I loved your last Christmas Show !
    Great fun wathcing that with my laser and som heavy fog in my livingroom


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Welcome to the forum guy!

    Thanks for the introduction, got some members here who have yet to and they have been here months

    Enjoy your stay!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Flying over a town near you


    Sorry for the delay......ahem.....a short story of me. In my early 40's , living currently here in the States , north of Charlotte,N.C. Aviation of all aspects has had a large impact influencing many hobbies. Now with Avgas so high my flying is at a seemingly slow pace. Always been into radio control modeling as far back as I can remember. Passed exams and held a single wing private rating for years. Having difficulties in corporate downsizing ,and the wonderful economy we enjoy, I am freelance now......not employed by any one firm. I am currently into restoring a couple of cars for in between cash flow. As far as the laser thing.....5 years and counting. Hene's and dpss and good electronics. I still love a modded pointer...whatever the wavelegth. Now it seems the artistic function of the scanning software is the thing for me now. Need to master it to a level of noteworthy abilities. Between music,family,and surviving this is a great hobby. The next venture is to restore an airplane for me!!! Just a dream for now.......have to keep refining and crunching numbers for now. And a special thanks to Spec , Yadda, MaXYZmodules, and all the great people here for the info and endless knowledge base. May be machining, welding, or just fabricating something we all will have soon....
    Mech Eng
    You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Hah, welcome aboard... I'm from the northern winter state of Michigan
    (right next to Canada), and I recently got transplanted into southern
    California so now I'm forced to suffer the nice and balmy winters...

    I got suckered into doing laser shows by a friend who had a very
    early version of the laser illusions board, but I felt really constrained
    by the limitations... I went professional with Pangolin... then realized
    that the software still couldn't do what I wanted... so now I'm stuck
    shovelling time, love and money into redesigning the world's most
    glorified and expensive Etch-a-sketch.

    I have lofty dreams of painlessly making beautiful laser shows...
    Key word: "painlessly".... still a work in progress.

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