I need to model a objective lens in OSLO. Here is the lens I am interested in: http://search.newport.com/?q=*&x2=sku&q2=MV-40X
I couldn't find this lens in the catalog page. Any idea how to model this in OSLO?
I need to model a objective lens in OSLO. Here is the lens I am interested in: http://search.newport.com/?q=*&x2=sku&q2=MV-40X
I couldn't find this lens in the catalog page. Any idea how to model this in OSLO?
You might want to try sci.optics in google groups or ask newport nicely for a equvalent model. I'm sure newport will not give you the actual glass, but I'm willing to bet they have a approximation.
Thanks for your reply.
Since it is very unlikely that I get response from Newports, do you have any idea how to approximately model an objective lens with specific focal length, NA, and magnification?
No, because I would never have to do it that way in any of my applications, I can run my model on paper with approximations, because I know I will end up making changes at the breadboard level. Second of all I would never use Olso. Third of all I would get a actual lens design, with all the elements, from a scientific paper and insert it into the modeling software, ray trace is not so simple, complex conjugates are NOT my cup of tea.
You really should ask this on Sci.Optics. The physical optics professionals hang out there. The three terms you are giving me are useless for modeling. I would need S1 radius ,S2 radius ,Index, and position of each lens inside the objective, and much more to remotely come close.
Get a copy of any of the standard lens design texts.
Laikin's Lens Design,
2nd edition, 1995, page 122-23.
Has a example of the internals.
In the form of a optical prescription.
Optical design of Microscopes
Author(s): George H. Seward
Published: 19 April 2010
Print ISBN13: 9780819480958
eISBN: 9780819480965
DOI: 10.1117/3.855480
Vol: TT88
Pages: 258
Good Luck,