1 watt 532nm (beam diameter 3x3 mm / divergence 2.0)
2 watt 447nm (beam diameter 4x4 mm / divergence 2.8)
2x 1 watt 650nm (beam diameter 5x5 mm / divergence 2.5)
650 you need a power of 4 of 532. So you need 4W or 650 to balance it. Or 2W or 635nm.
Or just leave a space for 1W 635 and a space for collimator and cube or dichro.
Also you will need as big a galvos as passible. 5mm+. If you have 3mm galvos then you will loose some of your blue and a lot of red. Or you need to colimate but you will increase devergence.
Lasers and optics are pain in the rear! Always!.
I hired an Italian guy to do my wires. Now they look like spaghetti!