The rumors are that they should be coming out in early 2012, so we still have a bit of waiting left but there is hope
The rumors are that they should be coming out in early 2012, so we still have a bit of waiting left but there is hope
After seeing what happened with 445nm, I have no doubt we'll have handheld 10w RGBs in the next decade.
Imagine! There are so many sides to that too. It hurts my head to think of the legal implications of such technology becoming available. I still think it's a little bit like the calm before the storm right now regarding the C##### diodes and their effect on lasers in general.
Too bad these pico projectors don't use a 24W array of these greens diodes.
Love, peace, and grease,
allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin
the good thing about the scanning pico-projectors is that they are infinitely focus-able and hence require laser sources with good divergence.
as opposed to DLP type ones where it doesn't appear to require good beam qualities at all, just a fuck-tonne of light.
Now proudly stocking and offering the best deals on laser-wave
I've just had a look at my conversion table and
it say;
1 fuck-tonne = 561.36 metric shitloads.
Nice work Adrian, thanks for bringing this unit to our attention,I'll re-calibrate my instruments.
After 561.36 metric shitloads, you may need to re-calibrate your toilet.
The current green lasers for many micro projectors come from Corning, Inc.
Here is how they got rid of the TEC:
Last edited by mixedgas; 11-06-2010 at 08:53.
I've worked with the Corning laser and a pico-projector prototype that would fit about four in a pack of cigarettes. It used two very small scanning mirrors. The beam shape, diameter and divergence must all be very small to maintain a small pixel on a screen. Laser speckle is a big problem with them. That and leaving it up to the user to choose a screen and ambient lighting level and the image suffers enormously.