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Thread: Mamba 2.0 software only or Mamba Elements software with dac

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Utrecht The Netherlands

    Default Mamba 2.0 software only or Mamba Elements software with dac

    Looking for Mamba 2.0 software (license) to use with my easylase II usb since i already have a dac.
    Or, if the price is atractive, software with dac for example Mamba Elements because i don't need the full package and don't have a large budget.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Germany, Wiesbaden


    Dont know if this is interesting for you, but u can get the Elements plus DAC for €230 here which I think is not bad.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Netherlands


    Wow , great price !
    Isn't this supposed to go on your Sinterklaas list Michel ?
    you can sell the interface and keep the mamba ?
    I didn't fail !
    I just found out 10,000 ways that didn't work.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Utrecht The Netherlands

    Default mamba elements

    that is a great offer, unfortunately the elements version only works with the supplied dac.
    i have to investigate it this dac is also suited for the rest of my applications.
    thanks for the hint by the way

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Utrecht The Netherlands

    Default dilemma

    ok, so i ordered the mamba elements version, apperantly the mamba elements does not run on the easylase 2 i was told but wil test it. If it does work on easylase 2 i have to figure out which dac to sell.
    The resolution of the mamba dac seems higher than the easylase 16 bits vs 12 bits.

    specs of

    USB full speed Interface (12MBits/Sec.)
    1.5 Mbytes/Sec. maximum Datatransfer
    High Performance 32Bit RISC-Microcontroller for fast dataprocessing
    X/Y-outputs 12 Bits resolution, 16 millions framecoordinates totally
    Coloroutputs RGB, Intensity and 2 additional channels, 12 Bit each
    Active controlled shutter output (5V)
    Outputspeed up to 110000 points per second (pps)
    Framesize up to 16000 points
    Highly stable Output free of signal fluctuations (jitter)
    8 Bit TTL-compatible digital output
    Power over USB or external 9-24V DC powersupply (500mA)
    ILDA compatible connector
    X/Y-outputs symmetrical, colour outputs single ended
    Error-tolerant dataprotocol
    Drivers for all Windows operating systems from XP, including 64 Bit versions
    New comfortable user-API, backwards compatible with previous EasyLase
    Supports 512 DMX-channels input and output
    DMX output also accessable at ILDA-connector
    DMX input and output available at additional rear connector panel (optional)
    Isolated DMX signals available (optional)
    Firmwareupdate over USB
    MicroSD card slot mounted for future showplayer options
    Elegant metal enclosure
    Supported by LDS Dynamics, Laser Design Studio, Mamba and HE-Laserscan Software

    mamba elements dac
    Internal resolution for XY: 32bit per channel
    External resolution for XY: Max. 16 bits per channel
    Resolution RGB - Outputs: 8 bits per channel
    Number of tracks on timeline: 2
    Number of frames: 250 per frame list, 2500 total
    Number of open frame lists: Unlimited
    Number of projectors per computer: 1
    USB support: Fully, runs on standard notebook with USB port
    Output speed: 1000 to 50,000 pps
    Editor object oriented: Fully, including text features
    Bitmap Tracing: Yes
    Running text in show: Yes
    Fonts: All TTF + special laser fonts
    Real time preview on timeline: Yes
    Real time preview in preview window: Yes
    Real time output to laser: Yes
    Last edited by michelrietveld; 11-11-2010 at 07:54.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Never judge a dac on its resolution.

    Let us assume your galvo deflection is 60 degrees.
    Let's assume your divergence is 1 mrad.
    12 bits resolution resembles a 1/4th of your beam-diameter.
    In practice you never project details as small as the diameter of your beam.
    Let alone 1/64th of your beam diameter.

    Probably the drift of your scan-set is much greater than the resolution of a 12 bit dac.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Utrecht The Netherlands

    Default canceled order

    i canceld the order after talking to medilas engineering.
    the quickport interface is only suitable for mamba elements and no use for my other programs that i run on easylase II.
    so i would have to work with two controllers and i thought that i could run everything one one controller.

    i will keep the easylase and look at lds dynamics (not the pro version) and compare it to maba black. They both support easylase.

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