Spectra Physics Model 106-1 20mW HeNe Serial No. 309892 - Power Supply Requirements?
I've had this HeNe from new, bought in 1989 and it worked fine until the 'black brick' PSU became submerged after a flood water and upon switching-on - BANG, no PSU!
I visited Rob and he tested the HeNe with his PSU and it worked fine
I subsequently bought through Photonlexicon a Laser Drive Inc. 'black brick' power supply Model 314S-2500-5.25-2, which seemed to work OK.
This supply has an output of 2500 VDC @ 5.25mA .
In use, the power supply seems fine for a few minutes and then the laser goes out and comes back on intermittently.
If I put the PSU to my ear, I can hear a clicking/sparking sound as the laser goes out and then again as it comes back on again. I wondered if I was overloading the PSU
Looking at Sam's pages, most 10 - 20 mW rated HeNes have outputs of about 2500VDC at 5 - 8 mA
I am trying to find out the correct power requirements of my 106-1 laser, to check whether the incorrect operation is caused by me buying the wrong specification PSU - but as the laser is now 22 years old, I can't find anything on the internet.
Can anyone help please
Last edited by John Sonley; 11-05-2010 at 05:25.
Reason: error of omission
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