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Thread: KnoxLEM I || 12/18/10 || Knoxville, TN

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Knoxville, TN

    Default KnoxLEM I || 12/18/10 || Knoxville, TN

    KnoxLEM I

    This forum has been an invaluable resource for me to kick-start a hobby I've always been interested in. After I had a great time meeting some of the PL community at SELEM (my first LEM) I’d like to invite anyone in East TN and the surrounding area to a one day meeting in Knoxville, TN at my warehouse/club called Headroom on Dec. 18th. Randy (Stuka) has been helping bring ideas to the table about this event, and we both think it will work out well in the space I have to offer.

    Event Plan
    Our plan is to play with hardware during the day, then do some shows and a live performance at night. The live performance part of the night will likely accompany one or more electronic music DJs that play regularly at the club. This will be a private event, but will more or less be open to the anyone interested in laser technology, with the provision that everyone entering has to sign a waiver similar to other LEMs. I know a few people in the area who would love to see the inside of a projector and learn more about their operation (potential future PL members?). The evening/night portion of the event will probably bring out other people who just want to see the shows and performances.

    About the venue
    Headroom is a private club host to mainly electronic dance music events. We aren’t a typical bar (we don’t have a permit to sell beer) but we do bring-your-own-beer and after-hours (no alcohol) events on a regular basis. I left my measurements of the room at the club last weekend, so I'll have to post them once I get my notes back. I estimate the room is 70' wide by 50' deep, with a raised stage in the middle against the back wall. The room has a high ceiling (I estimate 18'), so there is plenty of room to keep beams above everyone’s heads. I’ve got a large fog machine (not a hazer unfortunately) and a huge sound system ready to go for the night.

    In addition to overhead scrims hanging from the ceiling, we plan to have Randy’s 10’ x 10’ portable scrim for graphics shows, along with his Antari Z300 Fazer for some additional haze where needed.

    Be aware that the venue really doesn’t have the facilities to support 3-phase, water-cooled ion lasers, but plenty of power is available for just about any solid-state projector that shows up!

    Cost: Free for PL members, family, and friends! (although we may want to chip in to get some food). We'll probably have to charge a few bucks for non-laser people (or maybe a donation thing) for the nighttime show/performance session.

    Location: 513 Cooper St., Knoxville, TN (US) 37917

    Date: Saturday 12/18/2010

    Approximate Schedule:
    10:00am meet at the club, play with hardware
    6:00pm set up for shows
    8:00pm start shows
    11:00pm start live performance with DJs
    Next day people can retrieve any remaining equipment from the venue if desired.

    I'll post updates to this we work out more details. If you're in the area and think you might be interested in participating, shoot me a PM so I can have some kind of idea how many people and projectors to plan for.

    Update 12/14:
    Since the LEM is getting close, I thought it might be helpful to post a map of how to get to the venue (once you're close anyway). Directions from Google are accurate, but the venue is easy to miss since it's under a bridge. I'd say at least 50% of people miss it the first time they come.

    Last edited by massivesound; 12-14-2010 at 11:48.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Knoxville, TN, USA


    I'm in!!!!

    For those who have made it in the past to a SELEM in Newton and to a FLEM in Tavares -

    Think of Brad's (Massivesound's) club as a venue that's something of a compromise between the two locations, with a bit of downtown "industrial" edge to it. While it won't quite support the equipment array we had at SELEM, there's still quite a bit of room to run several projectors, especially during the day. The design and "atmosphere" of the club could make for some very cool setup arrangements, since it presents the possibility of SAFELY projecting both beams and graphics from multiple locations around the venue!!

    Since there will likely be quite a few non-laserists showing up that evening, I definitely recommend we keep this one relatively "simple" and try to keep troubleshooting to a minimum -
    basically, plan on running proven ready-to-go shows setup for single projector heads, along with some QuickShow or LivePro (or similar) performances while the DJ's are playing.

    For those of use who hope to go "semi-pro" someday but don't get many practice opportunities, this private event opens up some great possibilities to work in front of an audience that should be very appreciative!

    Think of it as an early Christmas present for the laserists & audience alike...

    SO -

    Who else is in?
    Last edited by Stuka; 11-08-2010 at 17:44.

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Hey Brad;

    This sounds like a lot of fun! Count me in! I can bring my graphics projector, and maybe one more beam projector (if I get it finished in time). I've also got that large Antari 1200X fogger that I can bring. Beyond that, I've also got a 16 channel mixer that I can bring, if you think we need it. (We normally use it to connect everyone's computer to, but if you already have one at the venue we don't need another one...) I know better than to volunteer any other audio equipment... From what Randy said, you've got enough sound to fill an outdoor football stadium!

    I'll be happy to get there early and help set things up, and since I'll be staying the night, I can also help out with the clean-up the next day.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    the hills


    I work that Saturday till noon but knoxville is only an hour.5 away, so we can probably make it early afternoon. Will know for sure closer to time.

    My projector if no further along than it was at SELEM. I have everything needed with the exception of two 8 hour uninterrupted blocks of time to sit down and finish it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Somerset, KY

    Default Looks Good!

    I will probably be able to make it. It is good timing since my Mother In Law will be in that weekend. I guess I will just have to miss some of her visit. I will probably not have any projectors done in time so once again, I will most likely only be observing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Knoxville, TN


    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    Hey Brad;

    This sounds like a lot of fun! Count me in! I can bring my graphics projector, and maybe one more beam projector (if I get it finished in time). I've also got that large Antari 1200X fogger that I can bring. Beyond that, I've also got a 16 channel mixer that I can bring, if you think we need it. (We normally use it to connect everyone's computer to, but if you already have one at the venue we don't need another one...) I know better than to volunteer any other audio equipment... From what Randy said, you've got enough sound to fill an outdoor football stadium!
    Adam, I'm glad you'll be able to make it! I'd say if its easy to bring, your mixer might come in handy. I don't have a mixing console in the venue most of the time (I borrow one when we have bands); I just daisy chain DJ mixers together and run them straight into the PA processor for most events. I do have an audio snake and an ILDA cable run from the stage to the FOH booth though so we have quite a bit of flexibility as to where we set up laser control.

    Quote Originally Posted by mophead View Post
    I work that Saturday till noon but knoxville is only an hour.5 away, so we can probably make it early afternoon. Will know for sure closer to time.

    My projector if no further along than it was at SELEM. I have everything needed with the exception of two 8 hour uninterrupted blocks of time to sit down and finish it.
    I've also got a few projects in various stages of completion. Hopefully this LEM will inspire me to finish one or two. I should have two 1.8W 445nm beam projectors done by then. I have nearly all of the parts I need for a ~1.5W RGB graphics projector, but it will take some time to put everything together. As to your work situation, I think the bigger issue is whether you have to work on Sunday! We'll be running shows and performances as long as anyone wants to (and probably later)... Our typical events rarely end before 6am

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    WooHoo! Sounds like this is coming together fast!

    Brad: Thanks for setting this up! And no problem; I'll bring the mixer and a bunch of cables so we can hook everything up.

    By the way, do you have a couple extra tables for us to set the computers on, or should we bring some with us? (I've got a 6 ft folding table I can bring if you think we'll need it...) Also, is there enough room in the Front of the House booth to set up all the computers, or will we need to set up on the main floor? (I'm guessing we'll have ~ 6 computers...)

    Doug: Looking forward to seeing you again dude. Will Mystris be coming with you?

    Ian: HAHA! Love the idea that you're fleeing your mother-in-law to attend! Priceless dude... Will be great to see you again as well. And don't sweat it if you don't have a projector. Looks like we'll have at least a half dozen in place - maybe more than that... Be sure to bring a camera though! Also, remind me to give you some time to play with LivePro and the touch-screen. We never got a chance to do that at SELEM...

    I'll get in touch with Mo (Daedal) and let him know about the event. I'm sure he'll want to attend, and I know he'll bring his RGBV projector with him. Also, I bet Jeff (RGB-gas) will want to come, and maybe DJMatt as well. That should fill out the equipment list rather nicely.

    Has anyone heard from LuLighttech (Newlin) lately? This wouldn't be that far for him, and I know he had a great time at SELEM, so he'd probably be interested in attending this event as well. If anyone has contact info for him, how about shoot him a reminder... (He hasn't been on the forum very much lately.) I think this would be a lot of fun for him.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Knoxville, TN


    I've got plenty of folding tables for equipment. There isn't enough room in the FOH for more than 2 or 3 computers comfortably, so we'll have to figure out a way to expand the booth or set up elsewhere in the room. There are several ways we could do this. I'll be getting up with Randy this weekend I think, and we'll throw around some ideas on how to do it most effectively. I'll also work up a diagram of the floorplan so everyone has a better idea about the venue.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Somerset, KY


    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    Ian: HAHA! Love the idea that you're fleeing your mother-in-law to attend! Priceless dude... Will be great to see you again as well.
    Once in a while the heavens shine upon me.

    I may bring something along for some tech advice and to confirm that I'm going in the right direction, but only to chat about and get some ideas. I won't want to do any wrenching or soldering there.

    Great, Now I 'm going to be as unproductive again as I was in the month leading up to SELEM!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Knoxville, TN


    Ireedz you did just remind me to note that I will have a soldering station and a digital multimeter there if anyone happens to need it, and I can borrow some test equipment from work (4GHz scope, spectrum analyzer, DAQ, etc.) if anyone wants to get really deep into the hardware during the day. If you think of any electrical test equipment that would be nice to have, just let me know. I just don't have any optical test equipment (laser power meter, etc).

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