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Thread: POP_UP- Last Minute SoTEXLEM this FRIDAY- hour S. of Houston

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)

    Default POP_UP- Last Minute SoTEXLEM this Sat.11/ 13- hour S. of Houston

    small warehouse for a mini LEM Just 1 hour south of Houston this Sat.nov 13th-dry run and some lasers on Friday 12th too free food and beer perceding in Lake Jackson at Maclean Park 77566- THE BEST NIGHT WIIL BE SAT>Adam/Jonathan/Greg et al will be there then.
    To get the grub and brew(all day/nite Fri and until 7 pm Sat)-go to Maclean Park-in Lake Jackson 77422- ask anybody where the PitMeisters/Circle B Cookers are- OR _ we are the last two cookers to the right as you walk towards the restrooms- just tell them that Hak sent you. Our head Chef Darrel can give you the directions to my warehouse(517 W.2nd Freeport Tx 77531) and my cell # if you dont have it.

    Pro laser demo ( 2 or 3 multiwatt RGB projectors on display--private show!!!)and swap meet right before, during, and after and into the wee hours just 18 miles south in Freeport. Definatly Sat. day/night
    but friday also but not the 'BIG' guy til Sat . BRING your video and digital cameras PLEASE!!!!

    meet 300Evil, Displaser and Platinum(3watt green Melles !!) in person there and see thier sweet full color projectors in a private setting- all attendees must sign a waiver in order to attend- ample gated grass secure parking lot- camper -trailers welcome( no H20 or other hook-ups) !!
    see this post for more info PM me for additional info- map and my cell #
    Hak says you are all invited-- free BEER and FOOD- friday afternoon and night and Sat till dark-thirty-- 8 PM!!
    bring it on!!
    Last edited by hakzaw1; 11-12-2010 at 11:30. Reason: date error

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by hakzaw1 View Post
    meet 300Evil, Displaser and Platinum(3watt greenie !!) in person
    Did you Mean this 3 watt Melles??? (pacolem 2)
    Support your local Janitor- not solicited .

    Laser (the acronym derived from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation) is a spectacular manifestation of this process. It is a source which emits a kind of light of unrivaled purity and intensity not found in any of the previously known sources of radiation. - Lasers & Non-Linear Optics, B.B. Laud.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)


    WOW!!-- I hope to be seeing that one-- Not worthy!!!!

    was that one at SELEM??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by hakzaw1 View Post
    WOW!!-- I hope to be seeing that one-- Not worthy!!!!

    was that one at SELEM??
    No, that is Jonathan's Melles at his LEM (PaCoLEM - Pacific Coast LEM #2). He made great use of the aluminum baseplate I gave him .

    Support your local Janitor- not solicited .

    Laser (the acronym derived from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation) is a spectacular manifestation of this process. It is a source which emits a kind of light of unrivaled purity and intensity not found in any of the previously known sources of radiation. - Lasers & Non-Linear Optics, B.B. Laud.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)

    Default Slight change in plans

    THE 'BIG' night will be Sat Nov14th-- all day too.

    PM me with questions or for maps to the BBQ and LEM

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    the hills


    Damn. Que and lasers and I'm gonna miss it.

    It's ashame we're so far away. Y'all have a good time (and make more of them taters, they're great).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Knoxville, TN


    Friday is the 12th and Saturday is the 13th. Just trying to prevent confusion

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default BUMMER!

    Sooooo close, but I can't make it. Would really like to see what you guys have to offer. Gotta date with honey on Friday and Saturday, so who knows?? Maybe I can talk him into a weekend of laser fun? LOL...hmmmmm????

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Bend Oregon USA


    Quote Originally Posted by sugeek View Post
    Did you Mean this 3 watt Melles??? (pacolem 2)
    that was the last weekend i saw my melles APB for gooey gus

    have fun at your lem boiz, watch out for that 300evil character...i understand he has laserbugs Last time i saw platiniminuminum we were blasting around lake cultus!
    Pat B

    laserman532 on ebay

    Been there, done that, got the t-shirt & selling it in a garage sale.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Really cool that you were able to pull this one together on such short notice, Len! Hope you all have a great time.

    Yeah, Johnathan's green monster is a sight to behold. He had it mounted on a truss about mid-way back from the from the front of the stage at SELEM this year, which gave him enough throw that he could completely cover the back wall above the balcony. Green beams everywhere! Gave the mobolaser beam-rails a run for their money, that's for sure!

    Someone remember to take lots of pictures... If I can't be there, I'd at least like to see what I missed!


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