small warehouse for a mini LEM Just 1 hour south of Houston this Sat.nov 13th-dry run and some lasers on Friday 12th too free food and beer perceding in Lake Jackson at Maclean Park 77566- THE BEST NIGHT WIIL BE SAT>Adam/Jonathan/Greg et al will be there then.
To get the grub and brew(all day/nite Fri and until 7 pm Sat)-go to Maclean Park-in Lake Jackson 77422- ask anybody where the PitMeisters/Circle B Cookers are- OR _ we are the last two cookers to the right as you walk towards the restrooms- just tell them that Hak sent you. Our head Chef Darrel can give you the directions to my warehouse(517 W.2nd Freeport Tx 77531) and my cell # if you dont have it.
Pro laser demo ( 2 or 3 multiwatt RGB projectors on display--private show!!!)and swap meet right before, during, and after and into the wee hours just 18 miles south in Freeport. Definatly Sat. day/night
but friday also but not the 'BIG' guy til Sat . BRING your video and digital cameras PLEASE!!!!
meet 300Evil, Displaser and Platinum(3watt green Melles !!) in person there and see thier sweet full color projectors in a private setting- all attendees must sign a waiver in order to attend- ample gated grass secure parking lot- camper -trailers welcome( no H20 or other hook-ups) !!
see this post for more info PM me for additional info- map and my cell #
Hak says you are all invited-- free BEER and FOOD- friday afternoon and night and Sat till dark-thirty-- 8 PM!!
bring it on!!