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Thread: Trans Siberian Orchestra "Chrismas Eve / Sarajevo" for Pangolin QM2000

  1. #1
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    Knoxville, TN, USA

    Default Trans Siberian Orchestra "Chrismas Eve / Sarajevo" for Pangolin QM2000

    Here's my early Christmas present to our great little community here -

    Trans Siberian Orchestra's "Christmas Eve / Sarajevo" for the Pangolin QM2000.
    I just uploaded the complete ZIP file to the FTP site.
    (Along with a Showtime WMV preview)

    This version is a single projector combination beams / graphics (scrim) show.
    Be sure to read the included README text file for setup notes and recommendations.

    This is the first complete show I've programmed with the QM2000 and Showtime, so any constructive criticism would be welcome and appreciated.

    If all goes as planned, a "slightly modified" version of this show should be making it's "semi-public" debut at KnoxLEM I in Knoxville, TN in December.



    PS -

    See my post below (# 3) if you're having issues accessing the FTP site.
    The site is currently under rebuild work-in-progress.
    Last edited by Stuka; 11-12-2010 at 02:47. Reason: FTP note

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  2. #2
    Bradfo69's Avatar
    Bradfo69 is offline Pending BST Forum Purchases: $47,127,283.53
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    Would love to check it out but, I can't seem to log onto the ftp site anymore. Been reading the threads trying to figure out if the password or user name has changed and been unsuccessful. Sounds like there have recently been some problems.

  3. #3
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    Knoxville, TN, USA


    This might help with the FTP access:

    Post # 38,

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  4. #4
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    Bordentown NJ USA

    Default ILDA version please

    Any chance of saving it as ILDA for us Pangolin outsiders?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmuhler View Post
    Any chance of saving it as ILDA for us Pangolin outsiders?
    Some of the frames are from the Pangolin distribution library, so unfortunately we can't legally transfer to non-Pangolin formats, including general ILDA.

    Even if that weren't the case -

    The show uses as lot of proprietary Pangolin effects and zone assignments, and based on what I have heard from others, that could lead to some "interesting" unwanted things happening when exporting to other formats.

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  6. #6
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    Downloading it now, thanks for sharing it Stuka !
    Looking forward seeing it real, but for now i will look at the preview.

    Edit: watching the preview now, sometimes you see a second light source in the preview.
    For instance from 32 to 41 seconds and from 1min16 into the movie you see a set of red beams below the lightsource.
    Is that a separate laser ? Since you said the show was for single projector ?
    And lastly: how did you make the preview ?

    Finally: Great show ! Very energetic, thanks for sharing !
    Last edited by hobbybob; 11-13-2010 at 16:28.
    I didn't fail !
    I just found out 10,000 ways that didn't work.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobbybob View Post
    Downloading it now, thanks for sharing it Stuka !
    Looking forward seeing it real, but for now i will look at the preview.

    Edit: watching the preview now, sometimes you see a second light source in the preview.
    For instance from 32 to 41 seconds and from 1min16 into the movie you see a set of red beams below the lightsource.
    Is that a separate laser ? Since you said the show was for single projector ?
    And lastly: how did you make the preview ?

    Finally: Great show ! Very energetic, thanks for sharing !
    Yep, single projector, but 3 separate Zones -
    The Zones previews let you specify differerent preview parameters for each Zone, including size, location, and position of the "virtual projector", so it appears in the main screen preview like you're actually using multiple sources.

    Those individual beams (there are actually variations of the pattern using white, red, green, and blue) are part of the "Targeted Beams" zone that could be used to target bounce mirrors.

    See the README file I included for recommendations on setting up the actual Zones for laser playback -
    variations in Zone setup can really impact the "look" of the entire show!

    Sometime in the future (before next SELEM) I plan to work on a multi-projector version of the show.

    Concerning the preview:

    Use the Showtime "Playback" menu options to specify sending the show to an AVI file to generate a preview.
    Note that a high quality version of the preview can be quite large (over 1GB for this particular show!!), so I converted the AVI preview file to a smaller WMV file using "AVS video converter" software.

    Thanks for the comments - hope you enjoy the show!

    Last edited by Stuka; 11-14-2010 at 06:43.

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  8. #8
    Bradfo69's Avatar
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    Played with it in my office last night and then tonight in the big hall with fog. Very nice! And, I'm certain a lot of work. I want to really get into what you are talking about concerning the projection zones and setting it up the way you suggest. I'm still learning LD2000 and it's helping me figure out more about it. I spent some time with the tutorial DVD last night too. It's quite the learning curve.

    Thanks for putting it out there for all to enjoy!

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