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Thread: Pangolin Showtime: Unable to see Tracks

  1. #1
    soforene's Avatar
    soforene is offline The Troll formerly known as Herbert Von Poople-Futtocks
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Question Pangolin Showtime: Unable to see Tracks

    Bonjour Chums.
    I've been tinkering with a few shows that others have made with Showtime 2000 but have come across a bit of an anomoly.
    As I scroll across I can see the Frame, effects etc. but reach a certain point and they are no longer visible.
    I know they're there on the timeline cus I can see the preview window responding as I scroll back and forth.
    I did do a search to see if it has been mentioned before (and spent a good 20 mins rereading old posts that were full of interesting tips) but found nothing about this phenomenon.
    I've a vague feeling(from reading some of Stuka/Buffo's posts) that it's to do with creating scenes.
    Here's a short vid demonstrating what I mean.

    Any pointers please guys?

    p.s. Looking for a Full Colour RGB for 15 bucks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    check if the show uses more than 1 modulle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    probably more than 1 module or scene

  4. #4
    soforene's Avatar
    soforene is offline The Troll formerly known as Herbert Von Poople-Futtocks
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Thumbs up

    You know, when someone explains it it's so simple.
    Nice one fella's.

    I read up about the 600 event limit and thought I was in the ball park with that but couldn't get my tiny mind around the small print.

    So you can have up to 600 (approx) events per Module?
    So really there's no limit then, just add more Modules.
    The Milky Bars on on me !!

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