I posted this in the Lounge area by mistake....
I posted this in the Lounge area by mistake....
Technically, that is not a holographic image. Itīs a Pepper's Ghost effect. They project a video image on a transparent screen. Diesel had a nice show a few years ago utilizing this technique (in the link they misapply the word holographic also).
These guys do this stuff, they did Gorillaz for the MTV awards a few years back:-
I am so tired of people calling pepper's ghost a hologram.
I think that's because of their impression of 'holograms' from science fiction movies, where the 'holographic images' are often 3D full colour projections in free space over some sort of projection gadget.
Since those are always depicted as somewhat see-through (to emphasize that the person who they are communicating with or who is sending a message is not actually there), most audiences will confuse any see-through video image which seems to float in mid-air with no apparent screen as a 'hologram'. Pepper's Ghost is the classic trick to do the same thing in theatres, and is just as simple as a plate of glass (acting as a beam splitter) and some device that can play back video. A more practical application is heads-up displays (HUDs) in jet fighters and more recent airliners.
Musion has a very nice system called Eyeliner which does a very nice Pepper's Ghost effect with a mylar screen and a video projector underneath. I've seen it in action on the Jeff Wayne's The War Of The Worlds tour (and I suspect that's been used in the video above), and it's even more impressive when you use it in stereoscopic.
Those promoting conventional projection techniques as "holography" feel justified because they designate what we consider holography as "laser holography". Naive at best. What will they say when they're using laser projectors? Anyway, the toothpaste's out of the tube on this one. Being pissed about it is like being pissed about the incredibly enormous ignorance of anything technical or scientific in the general public.
I was at a volunteer meeting for the "Science Ride", for a bike ride where science was going to be the theme of the month. About 30 people there, mostly 20 & 30-somethings. When asked, at the start, to say their name and favorite science or a fondly remembered science experiment, none could do so. Couldn't even identify "a science" much less describe any kind of "experiment". Those very nice people vote. All college "educated". No wonder the US is in decline.