Go to google maps !
get directions ... from japan to china !
yeah , i know ...just do it !
Check out direction number 43 !
Go to google maps !
get directions ... from japan to china !
yeah , i know ...just do it !
Check out direction number 43 !
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So??? it's *only* 782km, what's the big deal??? (...there's always shea-butter for chafing, you know...)
Edit: you know, the more I thought about that, the funnier it got... I mean, what - you'd have to face (at least...):
- Massive waves / swells / wind (and that's *if* there were no white-squalls, to-boot...)
- Sharks (and probably some giant man-eating squid...
- Freighters / other Mammoth ships, that would have no idea whatsoever that they just ran you over like a gnat...
- Harpoon-chucking Whalers and other likely-hostile boaters / Pirates...
- Chinese Navy / Coast Guard/Border Patrol, etc, likely thinking you were some inbound terrorist with a suitcase nuke...
- and unless you plan on packing an extra 6 tanks of gas.... it'd be a rather long-paddle, after you ran-dry in about 120km, right???
thx for the chuckle, m8...
Last edited by dsli_jon; 11-12-2010 at 20:58.
....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...
You could always walk that part of the journey if you had a decent snorkel
Second thoughts; they do have a bit of a jellyfish problem in that neck of the woods.
Doc's website
The Health and Safety Act 1971
Recklessly interfering with Darwin’s natural selection process, thereby extending the life cycle of dim-witted ignorami; thus perpetuating and magnifying the danger to us all, by enabling them to breed and walk amongst us, our children and loved ones.
at least its suggesting a powered method. Try China to United States, steps 93 and 104 sound fun.
You just need the right car. Classic VW bugs float rather well.
This route has tolls. - more info »
This route includes a ferry.