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Thread: i-trust controller

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Athens, Greece

    Question i-trust controller

    so, here is a question regarding the i-trust, the controller that came with the i-show software.

    does anyone know if there is another software that would work with this controller? i-show is getting on my nerves. i know that the combination is minor minor league stuff and of limited capabilities, i was thinkng maybe i could keep the hardware part and couple it with better software until i purchase something better

    thanks to anyone that reads or even better, replies

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    New Orleans, LA USA


    You can purchase Spaghetti and that will work with your hardware, but spaghetti is getting kinda expensive now. You may be better off saving the $100+ you would spend on it and putting it twards something like Riya or FB3.
    10W RGB
    2x 5W RGB
    2x 3W RGB
    2x 1W Green
    QM.NET, 2x FB3, LivePro, Beyond, APC40,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Athens, Greece


    riya + lds is definately in my sights, it might just have to wait for quite some time

    thanks for your answer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    west sussex uk

    Default ryia

    Dr lava has some awesome deals on the riya dac and lds pro 2010
    Give him a shout, and he throws in ildsos and lasercam and some other freebies

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Raleigh, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by KGB View Post
    You can purchase Spaghetti and that will work with your hardware, but spaghetti is getting kinda expensive now. You may be better off saving the $100+ you would spend on it and putting it twards something like Riya or FB3.
    Spaghetti costs $119. That's less than 20 minutes worth of lap dances.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Athens, Greece


    Quote Originally Posted by badger1666 View Post
    Dr lava has some awesome deals on the riya dac and lds pro 2010. Give him a shout, and he throws in ildsos and lasercam and some other freebies
    i know, i know. we've already discussed this a bit

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    Spaghetti costs $119. That's less than 20 minutes worth of lap dances.
    over here it is more like 35-40 minutes though, and almost no restrictions, got to reconsider maybe?

    thanks for your answers everyone!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Raleigh, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by LaNeK779 View Post
    over here it is more like 35-40 minutes though, and almost no restrictions, got to reconsider maybe? !
    I'd be happy to sell you or anyone else a license for 50% off. The increase in price to $119 was to account for the stuff I will be adding into the 2.x versions. So, if you don't mind using older technology it could be something for you to consider. People who pay full price get upgrades for life, though. So, Spaghetti isn't getting more expensive. It actually gets cheaper with each bit of new functionality that I add because you get more and more for the same price you paid.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Athens, Greece


    thanks for your offer john. i'll send you a message whenever i decide what i'll do.
    the more i think about it, the more perplexed i get

    i see three ways to go

    1a. toss ishow out of the window, keep i-trust and get spaghetti

    1b. toss ishow and itrust out of the window get riya and couple it with the above mentioned spaghetti

    1c. keep my current dac+software, get riya + lds a bit later (at least until i have a bigger rgb than the "pocket" one i have now) AND THEN toss ishow and itrust out of the window

    1d. after choosing one of the above, purchase ishow and itrust again, then toss them out of the window again. repeat as many times as necessary

    the laserboy and usb sound card is not a path i will choose to follow

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Raleigh, NC


    Spaghetti works with both the iShow and RIYA DACs so that might help your upgrade path if you wanted. It works with the usb sound card DAC as well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Utrecht The Netherlands


    pt-itrust is just a connection and pass through board for ilda/dmx with some build in patterns that are shown if you have no ilda cable connected.

    the ishow software and dac are a nice thing to start with but limited in capabilities and quality, you get what you pay for.

    if you buy spaghetti you can use it on the ishow dac (controller) and the quality is greatly improved over ishow

    if you want better dac(controller) then there a lots of products, some software from mamba (elements version) and pangolin (quickshow version) are bound to their own piece of hardware but i heared from pangolin's vice president that the quickshow controller will be opened for other programmers early next year.

    hopefully this adds to the discussion.

    by the way, i just sold my ishow and dac(controller) and purchased an easylase II usb on which i run spaghetti.

    i am planning however, when the quickshow dac is open for lasercam and zoof programms to purchase the quickshow software.


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