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Thread: when laser playing appears some lightspots

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Unhappy when laser playing appears some lightspots

    I read ILDA file ,as the coordinate data are 16 bit,so I have to convert them into 8 bit(My Hardware just support 8 bits resolution),just divide 256. When play an animation ILDA file,some lightspots appear.but if playing an statical ILDA file with Pangolin,it didn't happen. I don't know how the lightspots emerge.

    Can anyone do me a favor?
    Last edited by xiaocai_36; 11-16-2010 at 18:59.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    I'm going to assume is a parallel port driven 8 bit DAC:

    The "hot spots" are basically lock states where the processor has something else far more important to do than flip line levels over a parallel port.

    To verify: Do something with the computer that is IO and processor intensive.

    With the laser display running open up a command line and type in dir/s or run something super saturating like a program that calculates Pi.

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