Ok, so I managed to knock some components off the driver to my 400 mW laserwave green laser. I have soldered most back on, but there are two components that I have not managed to fix yet and I'd greatly appreciate your help in doing so.
Specifically, the multi-turn potentiometer W2 and diode D1. I have no idea what these do, but I have no desire to power up the laser without at least W2 in place. I have measured the resistance of W2 to 51 kR between pin 1 and 2, but it received a pretty bad beating, so I don't know if that's the correct value.
As for D1 it got completely knocked off and I haven't managed to find it (don't think I will either). I plan to replace it with a vanilla 1N4001 diode, but I need to know which direction it should be placed in.
See the attached picture of the misery.