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Thread: Simple (but effeKtiv) Solution to 'privacy-rights violations' from TSA-searches...

  1. #1
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    Default Simple (but effeKtiv) Solution to 'privacy-rights violations' from TSA-searches...

    (...though these spikes are not quite 'sharp-enough', methinks....)
    ...and one could imagine a similar-such 'wearable' for Gents... uch!!

    Seeing the report of how they left a poor-guy soaked in his own wee (yeah, I know, you've got work to resist the teenage-urges to make 'Beevis n Butthead jokes', but, this really sucked: ) and having personally, 'suffered' many, many, many times from them TOTALLY disregarding my very respectful-requests to *please* NOT treat my tool-case like it's a 'fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt-cup', I think they deserve a dose of Good Old Fashioned American Revolution!

    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  2. #2
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    Thumbs down Get rid of the TSA!

    Don't get me started on one of my "TSA Security Theater" rants... I haven't even had my coffe yet.

    Aw hell - too late.

    The TSA is an abomination that should be disbanded immediately. They routinely violate our 4th amendment rights (unreasonable search) in the *failed* interest of security. In fact, they do nothing to increase security. They only increase frustration. Oh, and now you can add sexual assault to the list of things you have to put up with in order to fly.

    How retarded is it that the PILOTS have to go through this screening? They're the ones in charge of the plane! If they want to fly it into a mountain, they don't need a bomb or a box cutter, they just push the stick forward and turn off the engines! (Also, there is an axe in the cockpit...)

    Seriously - I'd rather see one or two planes crash every year and have no TSA at all. You think that sounds callous? Then tell me why we put up with over 40,000 deaths on the highway each year. After all, no one is suggesting we spend 7 billion dollars a year to improve highway safety, right? (That's what the TSA costs us; for some perspective, that is nearly the same as the FBI's annual budget.) So why the hell are we worried about loosing a few hundred people in an airplane crash (or two)? Think about that for a minute before you answer... No one life is worth more than another, right? So why do we accept 40,000 highway deaths as "part of life", but we can't stomach even one plane crashing?

    It's all about risk management, people. And flying is just about the safest activity you can do short of sitting on your couch at home. (In fact, that is actually more risky, since even your odds of committing suicide are greater than your odds of dying in a plane crash!) But after 9/11, people freaked out, and we haven't come to our senses yet.

    We don't need the TSA. 9/11 was a one-trick pony. It will never happen again, because these days the people on the plane will take action (like they did on flight 93). Everyone understands this, even the bad guys.

    Besides, any really determined terrorist would be better off bringing a suitcase bomb into the airport terminal and setting it off there (which is far easier and might kill more people), or even into a shopping center. Note that both locations have absolutely no screening in place at all...

    If "terrorism" is such a threat, why aren't we installing metal detectors at shopping malls? Because it's not that significant of a threat! But when it comes to planes, we've all lost our minds...

    I'll say it again: we don't need the TSA. We should be ashamed that it exists, as it routinely violates the basic rights of all US citizens who fly. That is not the way we're supposed to do things in this country.


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    Buffo - The Voice of Reason.

  4. #4
    mixedgas's Avatar
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    The Israeli model works, less then 35 minutes to clear from the time you enter the airport, staffers even say hello, and speak multiple languages. I once had a coworker from Israel, a skilled defense engineer. He called the TSA method cowardly, impolite, ineffective, and slow.

    If my 80 year old Mom wants to see her sister in Atlanta, this Christmas, We're driving. Even though the hour long ride down on Airtran costs 3x less and does not take two days each way. She cannot lift her left arm over her head, and cannot respond to spoken directions quickly. Besides, she would slap silly the first TSA worker who touches her. We all know what that means will happen. Yet she is perfectly fit to fly.

    MY risk eval says it is far more dangerous for her to spend 15 hours in a car seat, with mountain sections more then a hour from a trauma center, and twenty minutes from a first responder. However the psych damage from the sexual assault is worse. Even if you are male.

    This sucks. Do the risk management, profiling, and passenger interviews. Especially the interviews.

    But don't ask a 12 year old kid "Where did Mommy put the bomb in your backpack?."

    "They" won, whoever funded the attacks. "They" got us to turn our nation into wimpy hypocrites.

    Last edited by mixedgas; 11-22-2010 at 09:14.

  5. #5
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    Interesting and logical perspective there Buffo !

    So whats the TSA anyway ?
    In the beginning there was none. Then came the light - #1 UKLEM - 2007
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    TSA = Transportation Safety Administration. The sexual molesters we have in our airports here in the USA who *will* handle your privates before you get on board your plane nowadays. All in the name of "fighting terrorism". Argh - I get so mad just thinking about it that I can hardly see.


  7. #7
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    Recent events are best summarized here:

    Dig back a few pages.

    Last edited by mixedgas; 11-22-2010 at 10:30.

  8. #8
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    I'm waiting for the headline about the international incident that will occur when the first kilted Scotsman is selected for a pat down. Where's William Wallace when you need him?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    I get so mad just thinking about it that I can hardly see...
    I hear ya, Brother...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC07987.JPG 
Views:	26 
Size:	144.3 KB 
ID:	21542 ( has since-then been BOLTED into the case...

    Ya wanna have 'fun', sometime, do some homework on what it would *actually* take to 'whip-up' some P#TN or TAT¶, in-situ, during a flight... I am sure Sir Tocket could shed some light on how flaming rediculous such beliefs (and, as a result, the 'no liquids' Policies) are...

    ...and WHAT is the 'Holy-Roman Rationale' for making you dump your *sealed* bottle of spring water??? ...Even if you're willing to *show them* it's just water, people!! by drinking it (which, clearly, you wouldn't do if it were actually sulfuric a. or nitric a. or pure h-peroxide, etc....) ...even if you could survive such a stunt, that would sort of be self-defeating to 'drink your ingredients', if, in-fact, your aim was to whip up some liquid death, don'cha *think*, people?? Oh, that's right, you DON'T!... Oi vey.....

    I mean, where does this all end?? Rectal exams?! (...there was at least one terrorist that did-that - 1Lb. of actual C-4, up the kazoo (!) ... and even *that* failed to kill his target, Lol...) I hope they keep this up and incite riots... it's time for Reform!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Robin View Post
    Where's William Wallace when you need him?
    Hah! yeah... that was at least one-guys suggestion in the comments-section of one of those 'TSA incident' newsclips... " *really* muck with 'em, go commando!" he quipped..... ...'Where's William Wallace', indeed... 'Longshanks' (TSA) needs to frigging-be retired....

    ...Here's some of my fav 'commentaries... Lol...

    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  10. #10
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    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    Its not just airlines. To visit the World Series of Gold here in Akron, to see if Tigger Wood runs off to a limo full of blonds. You must: Not bring cell phones or communications devices. No Packages larger then a certain size. No food or drinks. If you show up with your own bottled water, you will be asked to take a swig of it, swallow it, and pour it out. Failure to do so results in arrest. You park at a field far, supervised by police, far away, pass thru a magnetometer and other sensors, then ride a city bus to the event. No blankets, no chairs, limited raingear etc.

    You can buy water or ponchos on site.

    I can't remember what a ticket costs, but it is big bucks.


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