Pat's Laser Ray's Actuator II board. Sent him a PM earlier to see if he still had schematics kicking around, was trying to figure it out without them, but got stumped on this chip. It is the only other thing that is not passive (other than the main output drive, but that is good opens and closes fully, control just doesn't work) in the design so i'm leaning towards this mystery chip as the Quad opamp was good.
There are 8 alike circuit so it shouldn't be rocket science to solve, I could just swap the chips to see if it fixes the problem. I just don;t want to put an iron where it isn't needed on an old board traces.
leading in trailing technology
Hey Bud -
Hmm, yeah, Pat will certainly be your best-resource... not gonna be too-much out there, schem-wise, outside of him... However, meantime, might give these guys a bump:
...they've never let me down, when searching for old chips / parts... if it still exists, they've usually got a few left...![]()
A little further-digging in my sekret-squirrel bookmarksfor that number turns up a 'Bipolar Power PNP, Med Power', which makes-sense in such a driver-card, but I would not expect such a PNP to be in this 'package'... so
Of course, not positive that '4Star's part is, in-fact, a *match*, but looks like a place to start, anyway... didn't turn anything-up at either...
Hope this helps till 'Dad gets home'..
....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...
Seeing that it is an AB part .... im asuming its manufactured by Allen Bradley
the other number im sure is the date code 88 being the year ....
I cant remember AB making opamps then ... but at that time im sure there resistor division made Dual inline (DIL) resistor networks which im guessing this maybe one of them
i could be completely wrong but hope this helps in your search
Last edited by Banthai; 11-27-2010 at 00:35.
i have been looking for the schematics on that card and cant find them anywhere but dont give up hope yet. The card is a four layer card so it is very compact, but for the most part we used off the shelf components, ill still look, dont give up hope.
Pat B
laserman532 on ebay
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt & selling it in a garage sale.
keep in mind it is a 4 layer board and to use the right tools to remove chip and re socket with not too much heat that might destroy board. The problem is I have boxes of archives from those days but some are in my shed and some are in mother in laws shed, so the search is difficult.
Pat B
laserman532 on ebay
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt & selling it in a garage sale.
Thanks will do, I have a decent Pace rework station so I should be able to swap without causing more problems.
Whenever you have time, just please keep me in mind. It isn't a huge deal, I just drive myself crazy when things don;t work cause I am suppose to be-able to fix anything![]()
leading in trailing technology