....OK, out of respect to Sir Pelosh, there, I've decided that I and this topic should 'get its own room'...
Hey k4q -
Umm, not sure, as this is a purely 'concept system', at this point... no time to build-up my own 10-20W Blue, and no extra 'cheddar' to buy an off the shelf, one, like this threads' fine example... But, ideally, you would only need one KTP, pumping ~25-30W direct-into the dye-head... assuming good-fresh dye, and a direct (non-fiber coupled) pump-arrangement, you'd likely be able to get ~12-14 Watts, tops, of 630 for your Red... then, assuming you had a *really* hot KTP (which I do...) you could still-have
10+W of 532, to combine-in, with the R and B...
Granted, the beam-profiles would be prolly hard to 'mesh', and both the Red and Green would be pulsed, so, not sure how seeing those 'dashes' in-with the CW Blue would-look, say in a cone, or sine-wave... ?? dunno... but the idea of close to 50W of RGB - for LESS than $1 MILLION DOLLARS (prolly what that 66W Arctos costs...) is mighty-intriguing...
Dear Santa....