Hi there,
I would introduce a small experimental program for easylase: VUblinker.
I played some VB6 stuff with easylase, so I code a (toy) simple external program next to winamp which uses the VB Link DLL (is found here http://www.winamp.com/plugin/winamp-vblink/24837 ) a simple laser spectrum analyzer for winamp.
7 Bars are displayed,instead of 8 bars as in the preview, there are some options to invert and swap X/Y and pps.
I used also the example code from jmlasers easylase to write stuff to the easylase, but when I run the program for a long time( 3 minutes is enough to see the effect ), system ram will increase from 7mb's to 50mb's ! and the program will also lag.
This also happens at the example program, when I removed the part of the grayed button and just send alot frames, or different ones.
I tried to find that bug, and also tried to clear the array, but it seems it only happens when you send an array to the easylase. (easylasedatenfeld) so if I skipped that part, the application won't increase it's system memory or it won't even lag :/.
Here's the vblinker app which is in beta, since it's memory leaking or something.
Connecting without easylase will solve the problem(since it disable the easylase code), but it was meant to use it with a laser~
So anyone knows this problem? I would like to use the code again for other applications which I have in mind, but this is stopping me from coding more apps~