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Thread: Dr Lava's Correction Optics, With pics

  1. #1
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is online now Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    Default Dr Lava's Correction Optics, With pics

    A gen I 445 Lavalaser.

    I'm NOT done adjusting, I think I can do better. Two Watts of 445 using Dr Lava's optics. This was adjusted indoors at short range and then taken outside for a test. I'm not standing outside in the rain at 36' F and 92% RH and adjusting optics for the obvious reasons.

    Distance is 64 meters/210 feet. Grid spacing is 20 mm. Some minor stray light is negated by the flash. Please forgive the low dynamic range and poor F number of my 2 megapixel CX6230 camera. It does make the beam appear somewhat fatter then it is, because of the poor dynamic range. This is without active cooling, although the module has a provision for it, I do not have it implemented. I also let things run very warm to keep the condensing RH conditions from messing up the diode windows. There is mode structure in the beam, that suggests divergence measured according to classic convention will be is somewhat less then the pics. The curved left edge can be corrected some what with a piece of shim, again, its raining.

    In other words, do NOT assume this is the best these optics can do. They CAN do better.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 100_0425.JPG  




    Last edited by mixedgas; 11-30-2010 at 18:27.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    London or Spain depending on the weather


    "Some minor stray light is negated by the flash" .... LOL...... blimey Steve ! .... YOU.. taking pics of a lightbeam with a FLASH !!

    I am a curious cat

    How about a pic of the other end of that beam ..

    Last edited by catalanjo; 12-02-2010 at 02:52.

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