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Thread: New Contest for SELEM

  1. #1
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    Default New Contest for SELEM

    I have a new contest for Selem, based on personal experience for this week.

    You have to build and modify a projector, including gluing optics, soldering, and metalworking, with your dominant hand having a slight modification. That modification is your index finger is bandaged, is sore, bleeds mildly when flexed, has stitches across the knuckle, and held fully extended with a splint.

    Perhaps a good way of scoring is the amount of cussing involved multiplied by the time to complete a unit.

    Its teaching me a new way of typing.

    Andycon, your not alone this week.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    Trust me there is quite a bit of blood and tears in my projector lol

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