Hi all,
I came across this:
Not brilliant english, but shows roughly how it works.
The show at the end is brutal!
If anyone interested we sell them as well
Hi all,
I came across this:
Not brilliant english, but shows roughly how it works.
The show at the end is brutal!
If anyone interested we sell them as well
Last edited by pelosh; 12-06-2010 at 09:34.
Nice to see this hardware in real use! I like the "pro" look of the Showtacle boxes, in 19" format.
Do you use Fiesta.NET? How does the software performs, to create timelined shows for example? I tryed to install the demo on my computer but it doesn't work...
And yeah, the end show is really, very impressive
Great show although ultimately software limitations aside, shows are only as good as the programmer.
The problem with Fiesta is Fiesta.net (Fiesta 2 + Fiesta.net is @£2K for the two) and so costs more than LD2000 Intro and LD 2000 Basic and nearly as much as LD2000 Pro and yet offers less than Pangolin products eg 20 shows instead of 120 with LD, and @200 effects with Fiesta instead of around 300,000 cues and effects with LD.
It also has to be said to be fair to anyone inspired by that video, that you can clearly see 2 x Fiesta Matrix in there as well = £5,600 on top of the cost of the basic package. There are also some other Fiesta controllers in there that I don't recognise but look expensive eg the LCD screened box on top. That would buy a lot of QM.net extensions for Pangolin.
@ SBK, I think you'll find Hugo Bunk et al does very similar stuff with Pangolin @ Awakenings although his shows are usually a little less co-ordinated and a bit more organic due to the fluid nature of techno:
Nice to see other peoples fiesta setups.
I also use fiesta.net (single port version), but I'd never get that much space in FOH. I only use a laptop and a BCF control surface.
If you live in the US, the price difference for ld intro and qm.net is probably closer, but as i could ship internally to an EU location fiesta.net was cheaper.
As my experience with pangolin products is limited to a few weeks of testing i might be wrong on some parts, but i find comparing fiesta to pangolin products somewhat hard.
It boils down to what suits you. LD2000 is a better choice for creating preprogrammed shows, however fiesta supports much more complex cues/scenes than live pro, but live pro has easier multicues, fiesta has proper timeline features, for my usage ethernet was a requirement, and i do both preprogrammed shows and live cues in the same concert so i found fiesta.net to be more suitable for me.
Why are you calculating both fiesta2 and fiesta.net?
Am I missing something here?
Fiesta.net = 3 x ILDA outputs (edit: my bad, its the Pro with the 3 interfaces, ignore the rest, but I'll leave it for consistency of the thread)
Pangolin QM = 1 x ILDA output isn't it?
So 3 x QM.net = 1 x Fiesta.net?
Isn't this the exact reason why some people have been moaning about what it costs to add additional QM cards?
As for the 'it comes with 120 shows'... I couldn't care less about shows, most of the music is not my taste and what use is a show when you're performing live to a DJ or live act?
In fact, if you need 3 ILDA outputs, the Fiesta.net and Fiesta2 package is slightly cheaper than 3 x FB3-QS and a copy of LivePro, and in an altogether nicer package (imho)
I'm sure he could use a single smaller (custom) controller for his too, in the same way I'm sure Hugo (and others) can and do use many midi interfaces of all sorts of sizes.But look at his huge desk.
You can do excacly the same with only one laptop, and a liveprocontroller and a bunch of qm.nets.
Why is it that when agendas or personal preference comes into play, rational thought goes out of the window?
Last edited by norty303; 12-07-2010 at 05:38.
Fiesta 2 = 1x ilda on usb port.
Fiesta.net = 1x ilda on network interface
Fiesta.net Pro = 3x ilda on network interface (not listed on synchrovision)
There is no need to buy fiesta 2 as this is a different product from fiesta.net.
Taking this into account Fiesta.net is only 21 euros more than LD intro without ethernet support.
Fiesta.net PRO seems a nice solution for multiples projectors (you just need tons of ILDA cables). Just to have an idea, is it cheaper than 3x the price of an only Fiesta.net?
You should also take into account the limitations on the Pango Intro software, and the fact you have to buy Livepro to an additional 695$ if you want real live capabilities...