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Thread: Quad 660nm analog build for my projector

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Quad 660nm analog build for my projector

    Having completed my 445 build with Simon's great prisms, and the 532 is now sorted (400mW CNI) I have been working on a quad 660 build to complete the set for my projector build.


    4 x LPC-815 LOC diodes
    4 x O-Like Glass AR lens
    4 x Red lazorb (drlava)
    4 x Dave's brass LD mounts
    2 x Dave's brass micro flex mounts
    1 x PBS cube (Simon)
    1 x Flexmod P3 (drlava)
    I am running these diodes in parallel, with 1ohm sharing resistors. Just easier, no insulation issues to worry about. Mounts are height staggered, 1 x H beam below the 2 x V, the other H above.

    Base plate, spacer plates and PBS mount are all hand fabricated the hard way, hack saw, files, sand paper, drill press and hand tapped.

    Tomorrow night I'll wire up a D9 loom and start lining up. I had a go at lining up before completion, it is no trivial task!

    Thanks to all that supplied parts, and provided the inspiration, info and great advise!

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    Last edited by dnar; 12-07-2010 at 05:24.
    This space for rent.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Essex, UK


    what beam spec do you get from the olike lens?
    Eat Sleep Lase Repeat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by andy_con View Post
    what beam spec do you get from the olike lens?

    I am still worried the final beam will fall off my galvo mirrors. I might pick your brains about telescopics down the track.
    This space for rent.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Essex, UK


    umm so your using a cube...

    so you could arrange them for a beam size of 4mm by 3mm at best. thats not to bad.

    dont forget at apeture the red will probably be the biggest beam but at distance the red will probably be the smallest.

    when you alignment them, at distance make them over lap, dont put them side by side.
    Eat Sleep Lase Repeat

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by andy_con View Post
    umm so your using a cube...

    so you could arrange them for a beam size of 4mm by 3mm at best. thats not to bad.

    dont forget at apeture the red will probably be the biggest beam but at distance the red will probably be the smallest.

    when you alignment them, at distance make them over lap, dont put them side by side.
    Cool, thanks mate.

    Getting everything aligned at the cube is my first hurdle! It is all very tricky!
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Athens, Greece


    you start to get on my nerves mr dnar.... farting out lasers by the bucketload!!!!

    keep it up, you're a great help. and thanks for the detailed pics!
    "its called character briggs..."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Essex, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by dnar View Post
    Cool, thanks mate.

    Getting everything aligned at the cube is my first hurdle! It is all very tricky!
    aligning 4 beams aint hard LOL.

    umm probably the easiest way to start aligning is to remove the cube and power two diodes up. make sure they cross exactly, same height etc...

    then add the cube and add the other two beams
    Eat Sleep Lase Repeat

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Krasnodar, Russia


    Hey, Dnar

    I wonder, what red diodes you used (plan to)? And why 660nm, not 650nm? I think I'll have to build a similar setting soon...

    Omg, I see LPC-815 LOC. :-)))) No more vodka this week))))
    Last edited by Geetone; 12-08-2010 at 02:32.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Athens, Greece


    he states he uses 4 x LPC-815 LOC diodes. these are laser sleds taken from dvd rw drives

    the sled contains a usefull mirror as well. the bare diode is often called LOC-815

    i have a few of them flying over from china, i sensed that they flew over my head this morning and the finally landed in germany. just waiting to get my hands on them

    they cost me 4,5usd each for a lot of 15 plus 23usd for ultra fast shipping...

    i believe he chose 660nm as he has no actual choice. these 815 come at this wavelength

    is the below accurate?

    Last edited by LaNeK779; 12-08-2010 at 03:18. Reason: more info
    "its called character briggs..."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Yes, that is the LOC 660. The IR diode is to the left. My tip for harvesting? Do not file or hacksaw, just grip one side of the heat sink in a small vice, grab the other side with a quality set of fat pliers and gently twist the heat sink back and or 4 or 5 times. The diode then pulls out easily.

    Well I have aligned it tonight, not totally happy with how close I could stack the beam, another try tomorrow when I am more fresh.

    Approx 5x5mm at aperture. Final beam quality is pretty I think.

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    I am wondering if I should grab two of the 640's on Dave's GB...
    This space for rent.

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