Having completed my 445 build with Simon's great prisms, and the 532 is now sorted (400mW CNI) I have been working on a quad 660 build to complete the set for my projector build.
4 x LPC-815 LOC diodes
4 x O-Like Glass AR lens
4 x Red lazorb (drlava)
4 x Dave's brass LD mounts
2 x Dave's brass micro flex mounts
1 x PBS cube (Simon)
1 x Flexmod P3 (drlava)
I am running these diodes in parallel, with 1ohm sharing resistors. Just easier, no insulation issues to worry about. Mounts are height staggered, 1 x H beam below the 2 x V, the other H above.
Base plate, spacer plates and PBS mount are all hand fabricated the hard way, hack saw, files, sand paper, drill press and hand tapped.
Tomorrow night I'll wire up a D9 loom and start lining up. I had a go at lining up before completion, it is no trivial task!
Thanks to all that supplied parts, and provided the inspiration, info and great advise!