Hi All,
So I have a dilemma to try and figure out regarding my projectors.
I'm deciding what to do with my Lasever 200mW 473nm.
I am in the process of building a projector with the following specs:
LW 500mW 532nm
Andy_Con 1.2W 650nm
Self built 1W 445nm
DT25 scanners
So I was thinking of adding the Lasever into this setup. However it is only putting out 180mW give or take so may not have much of an impact.
I also have another set of scanners kicking around plus a 200mW 532nm module and 500mW of 650nm. So I could build a second RGB if I didn't use the 473nm in the big projector.
What do you guys reckon. Throw everything into one large projector. Or go with two but with slightly different color palettes.
Any ideas/suggestions.