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Thread: Upgrading Laser

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Netherlands/Holland ;)

    Default Upgrading Laser


    I got a question. I have a G-tech Highlase G-XL laser ( This is my first laser and I use it to explore the wonder world of laser I played with it for some time now and upgraded my LD2000 Intro with LivePro. But the more I use it the more I explore limits of the projector. Things like scanning speed and the limits of an TTL laser.

    I opened the projector today to find out what's in it and if i can replace it. In the projector is an CNI MGL200 laser module. I can't find out who the manufacture is of the scanners but i found a number on the driver boards: HSCA0908X-202 and HSCA0908Y-202.

    There is some space for bigger components but not much. Is it possible to (just) replace the scannerset and the lasermodule (incl. drivers) or do I have to replace more components? I like to have an laser where I can control the intensity (an analog laser it's called right?:P).

    Maybe someone has a suggestion(s) what kind of lasermodule or scannerset I should use?

    Thanks already
    Last edited by Rizard; 12-24-2010 at 18:41.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Hi And welcome to the forum..

    For starters, can you post a pic of the laser? So we could see whats in there?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Netherlands/Holland ;)

    Default Foto's of my projector

    Thanks Cyberbob,

    Here are some pic's of the inside.

    I placed a measurement device (can't find the right word ) on top, this is in cm.

    If I need to photograph from a more closer position please let me know and I will make some more pic's.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DSC_4131.JPG  




  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Krasnodar, Russia


    Hey, Rizard.

    I've got two G-tech projectors in a club. One is G200 and one is RGY300. Anyway, they are similar to yours.
    I remember wondering about scanner set model and supplier, and found other markings on driver board. Google showed me a chinese supplier, it's a pity I can't remember accurate name of that company.
    Still, scanners in those projectors are 10-12kpps, much slower than ScanLSP30, which I've bought from Phenixtechnology for my own projector. But they've been working in a club for five years already without any problems: silent, cool and ok for beams and simple graphics. So in case of upgrade don't throw them away, they're durable.
    If I take a projector for maintenance - I'll look for driver markings for you. But it'll be in 2011.

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