Are lasers ever considered as a major energy source? I don't know the science of it...but is it even remotely possible??
Are lasers ever considered as a major energy source? I don't know the science of it...but is it even remotely possible??
Well, as of now. Lasers are an inefficient "conversion" of energy. It takes a lot of energy for the given input to make laser light output. The short answer is, No.
However, laser beams can be focused down to a very fine point which means you can have A LOT of energy confined in a small spot. The idea of this being you can achieve fusion from small amounts of elements and produce an artificial star. Now, we all know how much energy is in a star IE, the Sun. So, there are possibilities of lasers being the answer to fusion thus "earth born micro stars" that can power the world, at least that's the idea....
If you want to know more, visit
Last edited by 300EVIL; 12-28-2010 at 19:28.
Thanks, I will check that out. I got into a deep discussion with my honey about energy trading and the like. We watched "The Smartest Guys in the Room" and naturally, being the fervent liberal I am-was sicked by these greedy bastards. Yes, they are all gone now or in prison...but I wondered if the science was worked out, if we could use lasers as an energy source. Thinking it would be clean...but if it take so much energy to run, then ok, we aren't ready for it yet...but it is a possibility. My honey thought I was daft, but I knew what I was talking about....(he isn't a lasergeek like myself.)
Lasers will never be an energy source but they do make a great catalyst for cracking energy. Energy is something that was made during the "big bang". Everything from there is basically stored energy waiting to be released. Whether it be chemical, IE oil; or radiation, IE heat, light. It all has roots to the beginning of the universe. The key is to convert that energy without pollution byproducts.
In bizarro world, light is sucked into into lasers and you can plug your TV into the laser for free power. Of course, watching TV is no fun because cartoons are too serious and boring and dramas are too corny.
Well....there is always the Housewives of New Jersey, Atlanta, etc.........heheheheheheh![]()