Hey guys;
I've found another laser enthusiast here in Charleston! Gonna try and meet with him later today to talk lasers and see if he's interested in the SELEM this summer.
However, I've also discovered that he's got a good bit of laser equipment that he's looking to sell. (He did shows out west for 7 years, but he says he's tired of the business and want's out.) Anyway, he has an air-cooled ALC 68B laser that he's thinking about selling.
This is a medical laser that he modified to run CW for shows. (Apparently in it's original configuration it was designed to do 3-5 watts for several seconds, and then be off for several minutes.) He's got it set up to do around a watt continuous (all lines) while running off a dryer outlet plug. (Single phase 220v) He also added a couple large blowers to increase the cooling to the head and PSU.
Now, my question is - how cantankerous are the 68B's? All the argon's I've owned to date have had sealed optics. This one does not. Is adjusting the mirrors something I'll need to do with any regularity? And if so, is this something I can learn to do myself without hosing the laser? Furthermore, are there any other "gotchas" that I should consider with respect to this laser?
The main reason I'm interested is that this laser fits my budget and offers me an order of magnitude more power than anything else I've got. (Solid state is nice, but to get to a watt of power you've got to spend more money than I can afford right now.)
But I don't want to buy this laser if it's going to be a pig to run, or if I stand a good chance of ruining it the first time I have to adjust it. I'm also concerned about the stability of the power supply.