really pretty stuff. the multiple lines of the argon really pay off when doing lumia. i keep thinking about stuffing the biggest smorgasbord of wavelengths i can afford into my projector. even at low power, the other wavelengths will add to the beauty.
did you get any footage?

Originally Posted by
Vidal Wolf
years ago I loved lumia effects.I went around to all the garage sales and thrift stores to buy as much cheap glassware as i could get. I ended up with 50 or so favorite pieces for lumias. I had a 10 mw He -Ne,and I thought it was the coolest thing. After a few years I got bored with it & got rid of the glassware.
I read Swamis post and decided to experiment again. I recently completed my r-g-b- argon/He-Ne setup and figured, why not play around with it.
I took an empty bottle of Desorono & set it in front of the combined beam & it looked ok, instant lumia .The beam was swirled, and pink,red and argon blue-green. I took a prism to break up the colors then put the bottle in front of it & *ka-boom!* color exploded and the images came to life on my wall, seperate lumia color images swirled and combined,layered on top of each other making a pallette of colors that i have never seen before ,some delicate webs of yellows and magentas, other bold violet,green red and blue.
one particular bump of the table resulted in an image so stunning ,that we spent over an hour photographing the image from every angle. I named the image *moment of ignition*. it has a 3-d effect to it as the red,greens yellows and blues go from left to right. I then used an old lumia wheel I got from laser Fantasy in 1990. I took some close up macro shots of the effect & its the last pic. .
suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconciousness.