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Thread: What the heck is wrong with this projector?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    The Netherlands

    Default What the heck is wrong with this projector?

    I tried to start it today and basicly nothing works.
    not a single led goes on inside and outside.

    I had similar problems before but it always fixed itself.
    Just started the projector and nothing.. then waited for 2 minutes and after turning it on it started.

    but now it seems it doesnt want to start anymore
    Im sad now, i wanted to bring this projector to a lem to upgrade it....but thats not much use without a working projector...

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  2. #2
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    Have you checked the fuse in the IEC inlet? These are usually small value fuses (~500mA) and I've had a few go over the years.

  3. #3
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    Might sound obvious but have you checked the fuse? It would be really unusal not to have a single light lit anywhere within the projector.

    After that, all I could suggest is to start tracing the power using a suitable mains rated tester. Number 1 for me assuming replacing the fuse in the plug doesn't work, would be to test the voltage coming into the Projector to see if its actually reaching the projector and not being lost because of an internal cable break in the PSU cable (I'm assuming you checked plug connections when you did the fuse!). After that, then I'd be testing the voltage going to the switch and ensuring there's a circuit on the out side and then testing the voltage going into and coming out of the psu. Beyond that I can't really help as I've never DIY'ed a projector. I'm sure there's plenty of people on here who can tell you how to trace it all the way around internally.

  4. #4
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    look...i thank you all for your help but im really a noob in electricity ect.
    im "probaly" going to a lem on january the 30th to learn, but right now i have no idea where and how to find a fuse inside the projector, and if i find it, how i can fix it.

    it works!
    it was the cable providing power...something was wrong with it.
    alot of luck i guess...

    I still want to hear where i can find the fuse and how to fix it...its chinese so i probaly will encounter a few cases of broken fuses.
    If you would want to help me with that, it would be cool

    the word "probaly" above can now be ignored
    Last edited by borgqueenx; 01-05-2011 at 10:05.
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  5. #5
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    To find out, you should order one of these:

    The Velleman 851 multimeter is also sold in the US and is a pretty good value for the money.

    Without one, or a similar multimeter, when working on a projector, you are for all practical purposes blind.


  6. #6
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    i have a multimeter
    i only used it once to measure the current flow of my laser pointer, for a member of LPF.

    EDIT: and i should add i could measure it after getting step by step instructions lol.
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  7. #7
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    look...i thank you all for your help but im really a noob in electricity ect.
    im "probaly" going to a lem on january the 30th to learn, but right now i have no idea where and how to find a fuse inside the projector, and if i find it, how i can fix it.

    Ok, the clues are in the answer....

    Have you checked the fuse in the IEC inlet?
    IEC inlet = The 3 pin plug ('kettle lead' to some people) where you plug the power into the projector

    Fuse = If you look at the inlet, just above or below it you should see a wide piece of plastic inset, which will probably have the word 'Fuse' written on it. The wole plastic part can be poped out by inserting a screwdriver under it from inside the inlet (note that you can only do this without the power cord attached, so no danger of killing yourself)

    I think you need to get over the 'I have no idea' line of reasoning if you want to get along with laser projectors. Lots of this stuff is obvious if you take time to have a look and think about things. Lets face it, you can't break the projector much more than it seems already, the only care is for yourself.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by norty303 View Post
    Ok, the clues are in the answer....

    IEC inlet = The 3 pin plug ('kettle lead' to some people) where you plug the power into the projector

    Fuse = If you look at the inlet, just above or below it you should see a wide piece of plastic inset, which will probably have the word 'Fuse' written on it. The wole plastic part can be poped out by inserting a screwdriver under it from inside the inlet (note that you can only do this without the power cord attached, so no danger of killing yourself)

    I think you need to get over the 'I have no idea' line of reasoning if you want to get along with laser projectors. Lots of this stuff is obvious if you take time to have a look and think about things. Lets face it, you can't break the projector much more than it seems already, the only care is for yourself.
    thats why im going to a lem and see how the big boys handle these baby's

    thanks for your help! il try look now

    EDIT: here is a photo, it shows something about a fuse but how do i pop it out? can i reinsert it with no trouble?
    Last edited by borgqueenx; 01-05-2011 at 13:06.
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  9. #9
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    Yup that's it, just take it out, it's basically a drawer, sliding out, holding the fuse.
    Then take the Multimeter and put it on continuity test (beep beep when you hold black and red prongs together) and then hold red to one and and black to the other end.
    If it beeps its ok (or take a look at the small wire you see running in the glass cylinder...
    Wire broken ? Then it's broken. Could be that it's a grey solid fuse without glass, then you can only measure it.

    Will show you on the lem, which reminds me i will have to answer your pm ;-)
    I didn't fail !
    I just found out 10,000 ways that didn't work.

  10. #10
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    Mmmh whats the usal cause of making this stuff blow?
    Anyways im glad it works now, have to buy a new 3-pin 220v cable.
    Thanks hobbybob and yes plz reply^^
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