I'm looking for a dicroic filter for combining red and green lasers. Do anyone know where I could get hold of these at a deasant price?
I'm looking for a dicroic filter for combining red and green lasers. Do anyone know where I could get hold of these at a deasant price?
You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!
I seen a few on Flea-bay a couple of days ago. I will keep a look out. I would bet that Spec has one. I have one here somewhere , but I think it is too small for anyone to use....something like 3mm x 5mm. Try to find the laser hobbiest on e-bay....he has a lot of weird optics.
You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich
Im looking for dichros also
All I have here are a couple trichros.
Spec: Do you still have any of those trichros you showed of a while ago?
You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!
Yep: I still have 2 or 3 of them here. Shoot me a PM.
Hmmm, I too need a dichro for combining my green and future red....These must be somewhere?
Also Im looking for some x/y mounts? any ideas guys?
They do exist... griot, newport, thor... all over the place.Originally Posted by LASER-AD
Problem for me is price and my requirements... Im looking for rather thick pieces, 6ish mm to be precise with low transmission losses.
Its sad: one gets good deals on translation stages and other positioning tools only to find out that the optics prices more than negate the savings on the positioners...
Hell, even made a post to alt.lasers to no avail... I'll run across the perfect optics eventually.
If you want stock sources for them (at retail) Ask and I'll track down some from the top suppliers.
Unfortunatly i want only one for my laser projector as it expands to add new colors...
A buddy in florda has one for me, And a couple of MM1 mounts! YEAH!!!
Next to get the Laser!