I found an old magazine from February,1978.
A long time ago I was attending a tech school in the suburbs of Minneapolis.
I was taking the laser/electro optics courses at Hennepin tech.
The instructor was throwing out old copy's of laser focus,and other assorted technical journals. One that caught my eye was a copy of Lighting dimensions from Feb, 1978.
It had a red,yellow green and blue lumia on the cover. i thumbed thru it & decided I would hang on to it.. that was in 1994/95. I put it in a safe and forgot about it until just now.
This particular copy is dedicated to laser lightshows and laser lighting as an artistic light form.
It has a couple good articles on it as well.
It has a centerfold splash of laser light from laserium & several pictures of Ivan Dryer inside.
A very cool *re-discovery* that I will bring to the Socalem.
Last edited by Vidal Wolf; 01-18-2011 at 18:47.
Reason: adding pics somwewhere in the thread
Will there be three phase!!!!