I've been hanging on to this one since I really like the thin DPSS beams.
However, I need to raise some funds for a new green since my green got nailed by a power spike of some sort at the last LEM. So the blue is up for sale.
Sorry for the typo in the title but this is actually an CNI MBL-50, analog labby putting out a huge amount of power. When new it did well over spec doing close to 140 mW at full power (on die4thing).
EDIT: I should add that this laser does have an IR filter installed, so the power output is all blue photons!
Catch 1:
Beam is however is not completely TEM00 but it hasn't bothered me too much, will post pics later.
Catch 2:
Pots have been retuned to see if the beam mode could be thermally adjusted. It could not be done but the result is that it has been thermally retuned for max output peaking at 170 mW. THE DIODE CURRENT WAS NEVER INCREASED. This laser was not meant to go back into the projector, but the pots can be retuned to lower power and possibly better modulation characteristics for inside a projector (will provide procedure if interested).
Catch 3: key switch is inoperabel and has been bypassed. Internally there is an optional connector to supply the modulation input with +5V for CW operation without external inputs. Of course external modulation is also still possible.
Looking for Euro 200
thanks for looking