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Last edited by Laser Wizardry; 11-13-2015 at 11:51.
Damn, our local airport SJC is third on the list. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that you can go buy high power laser pointers at the flea markets here. I bought a 200mW green pointer for $20 a couple months ago. It's a shame that the only logical conclusion to this is very tight restrictions on laser pointers.
Admin: In the immortal words of Captain Planet: YOU HAVE THE POWER
Admin: (To quit being a bitch)
Wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of legislation...after the fact it shows up enforced at customs.....maybe no lasers at all.....
You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich
I'd say another logical conclusion is to do nothing about it, since there's really no threat to the pilots reporting these incidents. A pilot seeing a laser beam in the air doesn't mean the beam is anywhere close to being "dangerous" to him.
There's no possible way for a pilot to judge the power level of a beam.
A green beam is very easy to see at low power levels.
Beams that are highly divergent are easier to see from the air.
Beams that are moving rapidly are easier to see from the air.
Green beams are waaaaay more visible from the air than red beams.
The Secretary said "Lasers can distract and harm pilots ...". Yes, and so can low pay and ridiculous airline, TSA and FAA requirements. To date, lasers have harmed no one in the air. This is all a bureaucratic self job creation brought to us by the TSA. Thank Bush for that.
Bush can't take all the credit.
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Last edited by Laser Wizardry; 11-13-2015 at 11:51.
You have to wonder how man ever managed to crawl from the primordial soup...
And yet, to date, I have not seen a single report of these events causing an accident. Once that is true, it will be BAMM! every single laser will be considered evil.
This space for rent.