I dont think this normally happens... but It did on this ilda.
I think this picture explains the whole situation?
I tried different ILD versions and they make the exact same problem.
I also tried a mamba 2.0 demo version which I still had somewhere on one of my HDD's
and the blanking lines didn't appear.
Importing the ilda (or .LDS) directly into showtime or LD2000 results in no weird lines.
I don't know which one is causing this... showtime or ILDSOS.
thats why I'm asking it here.
Oh and I also have an extra question: pangolin has its own optimizer
Cyberbob told me it's something with a Z button.... I cannot find it.. and the manual didn't really help me with finding that either.
But I don't want to disturb him at the moment because he's feeling a bit ill
so thanks very much if someone could answer that one for me.
here is the ilda.
It started of as a flash file... then was converted using LC-flash and making use of some method im working on. and after that I outputted it as ilda for ildsos.
Original flash made by me for testing.
Yukkuri shiteitte ne.zip
extra info: the character in the ilda says: Take it easy
I think it is solved... because with other ilda's and also created with lc-flash It doesn reoccur*
im going to try and recreate that ilda again.