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Thread: ILDSOS + Showtime = random lines?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Question [Solved]not happening anymore.. was a glitch - ILDSOS + Showtime = random lines?

    I dont think this normally happens... but It did on this ilda.
    I think this picture explains the whole situation?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	blanking-visible.png 
Views:	27 
Size:	378.2 KB 
ID:	23138
    I tried different ILD versions and they make the exact same problem.
    I also tried a mamba 2.0 demo version which I still had somewhere on one of my HDD's
    and the blanking lines didn't appear.
    Importing the ilda (or .LDS) directly into showtime or LD2000 results in no weird lines.

    I don't know which one is causing this... showtime or ILDSOS.
    thats why I'm asking it here.

    Oh and I also have an extra question: pangolin has its own optimizer
    Cyberbob told me it's something with a Z button.... I cannot find it.. and the manual didn't really help me with finding that either.

    But I don't want to disturb him at the moment because he's feeling a bit ill
    so thanks very much if someone could answer that one for me.

    here is the ilda.
    It started of as a flash file... then was converted using LC-flash and making use of some method im working on. and after that I outputted it as ilda for ildsos.
    Original flash made by me for testing.
    Yukkuri shiteitte

    extra info: the character in the ilda says: Take it easy

    I think it is solved... because with other ilda's and also created with lc-flash It doesn reoccur*
    im going to try and recreate that ilda again.
    Last edited by masterpj; 01-23-2011 at 08:14.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009



    I imported it in Quickshow and don't see the extra lines.
    Here is a Screenshot:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	QS_Output.png 
Views:	9 
Size:	137.2 KB 
ID:	23142

    Funny animation by the Way! Very Nice!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    that is weird o.o!
    hmm I have to examine what is wrong.
    I cannot see the real laser output..
    I need someone with an LD2000 to try and see if he gets the same like me.

    oh and yes this flash was made by me for the most part.
    Using it as an example for making flashes that were seen as being not able to be converted to laser correctly.
    alot less

    If the method wasnt there this wouldn't be scannable.
    it would be 3000 points instead of ~300

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    I thinned the original flash out on objects just in case for a first slight test.
    and shortened it for the sake of it being a demonstration.
    But you can compare it with the original one.

    As I got this low point count now I can safely say: this whole flash can be converted to laser without there being flicker.
    and no real thining out of objects needed. but the current LC-Flash can't do it on itself just yet

    Only if you leave all text out in the while flash.
    then I can almost safely approve that now
    original flash:
    Last edited by masterpj; 01-22-2011 at 07:55.

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