35 minute comprehensive walk through for you:
35 minute comprehensive walk through for you:
Last edited by White-Light; 01-28-2011 at 06:25.
Thanks for this walkthrough!
By the way, did you create the cues in there, i don't recognize them from my quickshow worksheet 2.0 or from the expansion sheet on the pangolin showspace site.
If those were supplied with quickshow (previous version) and you upgraded to 2.0, is it possible to share them? Or can i add them from somewhere?
He he, great example of how QuickFX expands the cues.
So far as I can see nearly every single cue is a standard QS 2.0 cue. I think 1 or 2 of mine might have crept in there but only ones you've seen before Michel.
What you're seeing is the just how much the cues change to new cues when Quick FX effects are running (remember at the end I had all 5 Virtual LJ's running at the same time), so thats the Virtual LJ in the main workspace and then 4 Virtual LJ's (layers) working through the QuickFX to give the varied appearances as they combine. Effects such as double, cross, warp etc can totally change a cue into something new.
This is maybe not the best example especially as without the movement of video they can look similar, but these are all 1 cue (the orginal is top left):
The others are just the top left cue with added QuickFX. In fact you can see they're the same cue by looking at the small cue window in the bottom left of each preview window.
Last edited by White-Light; 01-28-2011 at 08:37.
thats awesome - I cant wait to get my quickshow and FB3
Hi White Light
When I try to set VLJ to work from audio input, the wave form box next to the BPM box displays "No audio source selected. Click to select an....". When i try to click the box, nothing happens.
Any ideas?
My computer has Windows Media Player installed.
2 x Stanwax Laser 3W RGB's
2 x OPT 10W RGB
Pangolin FB3QS + Live Pro
1.3W Laser Harp
Hi Carl,
Its a right click to set the source and a left click to turn it on or off (seen by the appearance or disappearance of the sound wave line and beat boxes).
Otherwise, make sure you have done the following:
1. Right click on Virtual LJ and ensure you have it set to "Trigger Cues on Audio Input" - it's the second option down the list (it's selected via a left click which then collapses the list - re-right click to bring it back and check selection).
2. When you've done that click on VLJ to activate it (it turns green as you can see in the screenshot below) and a Black box should then appear between the BPM Counter and the Virtual LJ button (highlighted by the green arrow):
3. Now if you right click over the black box you should get a list of possible inputs:
You should be able to choose one from there.
If this is completely blank then it suggests that all sound inputs are disabled.
As it uses Windows Sound Settings you need to go to Start > Control Panel > Sound > Recording (tab) and check that you have at least one of these enabled. I'm using "What you Hear".
To enable a disabled Input / Output, right click and select "enable" from the drop down menu.
Once this has been done, right click over it again and go to "Properties". Check that the volume is set to 100 ( or at least a high enough number to enable to be heard".
Restart QS and recheck the inputs 1st enabling "Trigger by Audio Input" as detailed above.
If it still doesn't work, you either need to revisit the Windows Sound settings or try re-installing QS.
Hey Al
Nice tutorial on the multi level LJ. This is what will help so many to awaken their QS. Every time we learn a new step it changes the entire unit. We appreciate your time. The ever evolving QS rocks.
It's alive!!!~jimmy
Wiki:The first visible wavelength laser diode was demonstrated by Nick Holonyak, Jr. in 1962.
FS: hi grade SEAL DUST
also on some machines in win vista/7, right click the speaker in the tray, go to recording device, right click and choose "show disabled devices". Enable the stereo mix, crank the gain up to 50 or so (depending on how loud you drive the output on your computer to your speakers/audio gear), and theres your input for quickshow.
Last edited by dash8brj; 01-28-2011 at 12:27.
Detailed; somewhat verbose...
You stay classy San Diego.
- There is no such word as "can't" -
- 60% of the time it works every time -
thanks whitelight
just had hours of fun playing with the beta demo of qs 2
the only problem i had was finding that beat selection in quick fx does not work,except once to change to every beat then nothing after that
is there a newer demo ?
its worth buying the fb3 just for vlj feature,
When God said “Let there be light” he surely must have meant perfectly coherent light.