Laser Safety
I am going to stress this point from time to time..
Please... Everyone
Make damn sure you have proper eye protection for yourself and for your guests.
Even if its at your home..
There are many types of Glasses and Goggles out there that will do the job.
Just make sure they are an approved design..
I mean make sure that they are designed for the wavelength and the power
your going to use your laser(s) at.
I could go into more detail..(others can step in here as well)
But just remember the Optical Density rule..
OD 1 (Optical Density) or ( Attenuation Factor) for a reduction of 10
that means a 100mW laser will be reduced to your eyes by a factor of 10 or 10mW.
OD 2 for a factor of (100) , OD 3 for a factor of (1000), OD 4 (10,000) and so on.
I suggest going for an OD of 7 good for 1W and work your way from there.
See this link
This is what determines if those goggles are up to the job..powerwise.
They can be expensive... I know . Some look stupid..So What.!
They are not comfortable ..Yeah I know but...
But let this be your first priority
You only have one set of eyes..And that lasershow will be useless to you if you cant see it !!!
Dont let them just sit in the box..Hang them in a dust proof box for all to see.
That way you will always remember to put them on..get in the habit.
You may See Max and I demo a static beam from time to time.. But be assured this is only for the picture in a controlled enviroment.
We dont have kids and animals running around when we do this.
Be sure that goes for your demo's as well..
How about we talk about the different styles of GoGGles we have and what you paid for them.
This way newcommers will benifit by your experience.
Thanks All
End of Transmission.... For Now
"My signature has been taken, so Insert another here"
*^_^* aka PhiloUHF