Hey Crow... Nice circuit
That is very similar to a motor driver I built some years back !!!
I think it was for the lissajou generators we built for a while.
3 of these circuits and three small motors with mirrors attached
perpendicular to the shaft.
The good 'ol 317.. it's a great device, Almost can do anything
Of course It wont drive diodes very well on its own,,..
You'd still need a dropping resistor..
As for constant current source..even around half an amp
I still had to play with several low value resistors ...juggling
to get what I needed... but it worked.
Using the diodes as the current sense resistor will give funny results
as they change resistance with load...
Even a temperature change will change the output..
Good for general use..Altho I prefer Op-Amps.
Better control and all..
But still.. that circuit is easy to construct and do many things
Anyone think about using these for controlling seleniods for shutters?
OBTW, I know where Gallifrey is..hehe
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*^_^* aka PhiloUHF