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Thread: Laser Safety Officer Training Monday, Aug 22 after SELEM. Interested?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Question Laser Safety Officer Training Monday, Aug 22 after SELEM. Interested?

    Hey people!

    I just got off the phone with Greg Makhov at LSDI. He is willing to put on a 1-day Laser Safety Officer (LSO) training class for SELEM attendees. This class would be held at the Holiday Inn Express in Conover, NC (in the conference room) on Monday, August 22nd. (Similar setup to the safety and regulatory lecture we had last year that Case Stack put on for us.) I expect the class will last 9 or 10 hours.

    This class is geared towards high-level laser safety; it is not a beginner class! It requires that you have considerable knowledge about lasers to start with. You must be familiar with terms like irradiance, MPE, NOHD, etc. The class will cover several special cases, including a segment on Arizona state regulations, and even a short segment on audience-scanning. There will be a good deal of math involved, but nothing beyond college algebra. (This is the same LSO class that Greg offered to ILDA members last September on the ILDA cruise.)

    The class will cost $445 per person. This may sound like a lot, but this is *CHEAP* for a certified LSO course. Ratheon, Coherent, and the like charge thousands for this type of training. But again, it's not designed for beginners. This class is aimed at the laser professional (or the dedicated hobbyist) who is looking to move into a leadership role in planning and supervising laser shows.

    We only need 4 people (minimum) to make the class happen, but we can have 20 or more if there is enough interest. So how many people would be interested in extending their stay at SELEM by 1 extra day to attend this training? Please reply below!

    Last edited by buffo; 07-15-2011 at 06:25.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    We only need 4 people (minimum) to make the class happen, but we can have 20 or more if there is enough interest. So how many people would be interested in extending their stay at SELEM by 1 extra day to attend this training?
    And I was leaning towards not making the trip this year, due to a potential work conflict.
    Not unlike New York & Arizona, Texas BRH likes you to reference LSO training too. I may be in

  3. #3
    Bradfo69's Avatar
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    Phew.... thought I might have to stay. Considerable knowledge???? Thank goodness at least I'm safe until at least SELEM 8 or 9 then!
    Invite him back in 2015!

  4. #4
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    ugh... I wish I could go but $445 is waayyyy out of my budget... I'm still considering sleeping in my car lol

  5. #5
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    Default count me in

    Kool deal adam i need to sell a laser now.

  6. #6
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    ok I actually have the money for this now if it happens... so count me in

  7. #7
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    Excellent! I'll let Greg know that we already have enough people interested to make this happen. I'll have payment details soon.

    I've already reserved the conference room at the hotel for that Monday.


  8. #8
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    Here is my question. Will there be a test at the end of the lecture, or does everybody who attends the class in full get the certification? It seems a lil over my head but would like the cert.

  9. #9
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    " 15 characters"
    Last edited by Laser Wizardry; 11-13-2015 at 10:57.

  10. #10
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    Thumbs up A-frigging-men...

    Quote Originally Posted by Laser Wizardry View Post
    You are being tested during the entire course, the questions you ask, the observations you make, the knowledge you ready to learn.
    Wisdom does not come with a 'certificate' - you must develop it thru learning / putting into-practice, and, ie: if you're fortunate enough to be able to take-advantage of this course - glean *some* accelerance of attaining it thru being-taught by your 'Elders'... You cannot 'buy' experience / good-judgement...

    MLS, not 'picking on you', in-particular, but it's just that, for those of us that have been doing this for a living for 10 - 15+ years, it is particularly irritating to see 'n00bs' that, cuz they 'bought a 2 Watt RGB off eBay for $299.', think that-means, "I'm a Laserist / a Laser Show Company!!" There is *so* much more to being a good 'show co.', even in this 'easy-breezy new world' of 'no-more-hoses', than just setting up some box / throwing beams around, and an intrinsic-understanding of safety and how it applies in each type of show-situation, is just one of the 'pillars' of a good foundation for becoming an asset, rather than a liablity, to the industry, as a whole... First and foremost, It's an attitude-thang...

    Well-spoke, Sir Karl...

    ps - sorry, Buff, know this was 'off-topic'...
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

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