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Thread: Legally stopping an illegal laser show before it starts?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    East Sussex, England


    Sorry, and just to continue (work were closing up so I had to rush the last post, so it may not read 'nice')

    We, as a community, seem to have no problem whatsoever with providing good advice, which some may consider commercially sensitive, to other laserists, who may even be in our local area (i.e. 'competition')

    So, is there not an alternative route (if the intentions are truly altruistic) in education rather than regulation through 3rd parties? As a 'responsible' laserist, is it not also your responsibility to try and inform people where they may be doing something dangerous?

    Although you may perceive them as a fly by night quick buck 'company' they may actually just be enthusiastic amateurs who are ignorant of the issues, and through some guidance, could be helped on their way.

    I for one know that some of the larger events in London around 2000 were crewed by a lot of 'enthusiastic amateurs', but not a single one was what I consider to be a cowboy, just a little youthful and exuberant and very much 'into' the scene.

    P.S. how did this thread come to be in the Laser Display Files section??
    Frikkin Lasers

    You are using Bonetti's defense against me, ah?

    I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    New Hampshire


    norty303, could not agree with you more!

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Raleigh, NC


    There are illegal shows and then there are unsafe shows. If you go to a concert or club and there are illegal lasers but used in a safe manner what do you do? Would your rock the place with a clear consciense and have fun or would you feel the need to shut them down? No need to answer.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    New Hampshire


    But I will. Just as with jury nullification, If the "law" is unjust, only set up to protect a political interest or is misguided and intrusive then yes with a clear conscience. If its unsafe, the legality is irrelevant. Even the type of practice ie. pyro, lasers etc. is not important and it's reasonable to to try to stop with warnings, education or even threats. With regard to these particular laserists have they or the clubs employing them been approached directly?

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    There are illegal shows and then there are unsafe shows. If you go to a concert or club and there are illegal lasers but used in a safe manner what do you do? Would your rock the place with a clear consciense and have fun or would you feel the need to shut them down? No need to answer.
    Good point; illegal and unsafe are being considered the same so far in my view. I think if the show is safe I would have no reason to think it was illegal; I would probably want to see the operator just to meet someone else into lasers. I might ask about the equipment's paperwork and if there was none, I would inform the operator of what should be done and hope it got done. I see no need to get someone shut down if they are being safe, but that would also depend on the operator's atittude in response to my suggestion on what should be done... As usual it is all about perspective.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    There are illegal shows and then there are unsafe shows.
    Very true. Personally, I'm much more inclined to simply 'help educate', ie: , point to the 'SafetyWiki', etc...
    I, for one, don't 'rush to blow people-in' - ie: there's quite a few PL'ers I know of that Op shows w/o a Var, or certified Rigs, well-into Class IV systems, and I'd much rather work to help them get legal, vs get the FDA on their case, because I see them at least Op'ing safely / responsibly - But, seeing someone belligerently operate unsafely - especially if you know they know the regs / have been 'given a clue', then I, personally, will at least try and get some action-taken, even if all that happens is that the tool gets on the CDRH 'radar', for future-ref... Not much else you can do....

    But the 'rub', still, (from the Pro-perspective) is that you can observe - far more often than not - those that are willing to buy / use illegal boxes / perform shows w/O a Var, is because they don't care, vs that they don't know / understand the dangers, (ie: not-likely that the Co in MLS' case in point, here, are just 'innocent johnny-meanwells' and thus are far less likely to do safe shows, than those that have invested a great-deal of time and $$ in 'doing it right', and have so much 'riding' on it-all...

    Quote Originally Posted by PhantomRage View Post
    If i can build a 700 projector, and get the paper work to do legal shows. So can they. I have read about it here on this forum how to get a variance, and made the phone calls. It can be done.
    Thumbs up and I think that is all any of us 'Pro's would ever hope to see.. at least people *trying* to walk the 'high-road', and encourage / help others to do the same... it's the 'givadamn'ers' that then become competition - for anyone, on any-level - that are the sand in the shell... and the 'risk' that one of these 'hacks' will eventually be a catalyst for even more stringent Regs, which none of us want / need, right down to the guy only doing stuff in his living room, etc...

    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    There are illegal shows and then there are unsafe shows. If you go to a concert or club and there are illegal lasers but used in a safe manner what do you do? Would your rock the place with a clear consciense and have fun or would you feel the need to shut them down? No need to answer.
    I would venture to say a good 90% of the illegal shows I have seen are also "unsafe" or at least, less than safe... remember when you go out and buy your $200 chinese projector are you going to put it 10 ft up and make sure the beam does not enter the audience? I think probably not

    but I get your point

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Raleigh, NC


    How many illegal shows have you seen? Just curious.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    How many illegal shows have you seen? Just curious.
    maybe a hand-full... most of what I see are illegal installs... those I have seen at least 20 clubs/restaurants with illegal laser installs (star burst gratings with >5mW beams pointing straight down etc)

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    it also does not help that this is what people see on TV:

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