I think its good to have both ..
You get a whole different range of hues
I still agree with Guido ..632.8 is red-orange
But I like that color too !!! Just hard to get lots of it !!!
A perfect RED to me is 657..Its hard to achieve at high power.
Thats why we have concentrated on this area of RED
its what everyone wants...
Consider CRT's in television,
Have you ever noticed that some reds are not really red..
Some makes like Sony those reds were kinda orangey...
While Panasonics and Ikegami's were more RED.
RED purity is a problem with cathode ray tubes.
This has a BIG impact on making Brown..and a few other colors.
Working in Television all of my life..people in the studio always complained about the colors.
Still.. You can have Both and cover more colors I think.
What it all boils down to is this:
Covering an extreme range of colors that the eye can see...
If you only had three colors to work with and they were very close to each other
in color.
that would be a very limited range of colors you could make.
But you could still make white...
Thats why we like having a Deep Blue and a Deep Red to go with that vivid Green.
Maybe Ive seen too much of these and heard the ooo's and aaa's
When it used to be - I wonder where all the colors went to
If you have not seen the difference then you wouldnt know what Im talking about
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*^_^* aka PhiloUHF