Does anyone know what way to go about getting high power lasers?
I really dont know where and how to get hold of the most bang for the buck.
Does anyone know what way to go about getting high power lasers?
I really dont know where and how to get hold of the most bang for the buck.
You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!
What do YOU consider High Power... I have a 300 mw green and i consider that pretty high power... I tell ya, for yrs i used Coherent Krypton 3 watt lasers and after you get the A/O loss and the Color correction, you are down quite a bit in power....3 watts produced a good 1.2 watt white beam if you were lucky..
I remember measurign my system once at the planetarium in toronto, and i was gettin 150mw red 100 yellow 500 green and 300 blue, and the Shows STILL looked great...( we ran a RYGB system with 4 separate scanners for each color) But that laser did finally die....Red just dissapeared one day... end of days....
Im loving this Low power no water laser systems...... allows me to do it again and can provide it for almost any client!
I would think anything over about 1-2 W would be high power. And below that to about 100mW its powerful but not really a "high power" laser.
You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!
I've seen a lot of high power diodes floating about on fleabay lately.......the only problem is getting a set of rocks that can handle the heat and power loads. I think external coatings would be a good way of avoiding a few problems and make it more builder friendly. That is if one were so inclined to make his/her own laser. Would be nice to find a source for BiBo and build.....say a 2 Watt 473nM unit!!!
You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich
For those powers, gas lasers are still the cheepest.
A Lexel88, or similar with lexel single phase switching power supply would be a great choice, and great introduction to water cooled gas lasers..
KVANT Australian projector sales
Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices
what about the green 500-800-and even 1000mW lasers that is on eBay?
It`s DPSS laser i guess..
Will be nice to have a 800mW green to use outside maybe![]()
I have 2 high power Spectra Physics lasers FS.
One SP 168 White Light mixed gas Argon/Krypton doing 1.25 watts at 30 amps and one SP168 Argon doing 6.22 watts at 30 amps.
The Argon laser could be regassed for mixed gas and will likely do 7 watts.
Both are powered by an Aurora 40 power supply that's wired for single phase power and can run from 3 phase If you have it.
Both lasers go as a pair since I only have one power supply.
Indeed ION Lasers are the cheapest way to go If you want high power and get the biggest bang for your buck/ Euro/ Yuan.
Not to mention much better beam quality than any DPSS laser built to date.
Rick 8)
Profile Redacted by Admin @ 04.24.2010
how much buck are we talking about ?
Not something a laser hobbyist can afford ???
I want to stick with DPSS lasers....simplicity , and compact size. These things may not have the perfect beam, but the size and availability of them sure beats the fragile tubes. I am well pleased with the projector I have now as it will soon be doing 3/4 water 3 large cabinets....just plug and play from a coffee table.
You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich
the Target is even a real RGB System and the Problem is still the Price.
Green is really going down, Chineese DPSS with 500mW are about 1200$
But for a whitelightsystem ( 4 Parts Red, 2 Parts 2, 1 Part Green ) Red is still the Problem.
I am just building a new Projector with
- 100mW Gree
- 200mW Blue
- 400mW Red
Sounds not very much, but i Think it matches with 1.2W Gaslaser after his PCAOM. An all this at 40x30x15cm, just "Plug and Laser" , not Water Cooling&co . . .