i just like to introduce me.
My Name is Guido, i am 35 Years ols and I live in Germany.
I work with Lasers since 6 Years. I start my Hobby with my own Paralleport-DAC ( The first one with RGB - TTL Outputs ) an my Freeware "Popelscan"
Sometimes later i get in Contact with Joachim Mueller ( JMLaser.com) and build the Easylase ( He Hardware, I Software / Driver ) . I was and I am a Hobby-Laserist but this Time I also Sell the M9024, the Easylase and Cheap ( modified) China-Scanners .
Normaly i am only active in the German Forum (www.laserfrak.de) but I found your Forum and will look inside in Future.
Greetings from " the Other Side of the Ocean"
Guido Jaeger
(only in German this Time )