What's up with this : http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?...6883%26fvi%3D1
A 1.2W green DPSS with analog modulation for less that 400 euros![]()
But no evaluations and no Paypal...
What's up with this : http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?...6883%26fvi%3D1
A 1.2W green DPSS with analog modulation for less that 400 euros![]()
But no evaluations and no Paypal...
It's not often you see shipping fee in chinees currency.![]()
You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!
When the name of the seller is just a random sequence of letters and the only items on sale are instant payment required by western ubion or wire tranfer you can bet your life on it that its a scam.
If it seems too good to be true it normally is.
I agree... It's a scam.
I've reported a few auctions like these to E-bay. There was one that kept coming up for an RGB laser projector. The bid price was really low - like $400, but when you e-mailed the seller for more info he gave a price of $1900! Then too, you couldn't use the E-bay e-mail address - you had to send all correspondence to another e-mail address that he had listed in the body of the item description. To top it all off, he only accepted direct wire transfer, and the auction was just 3 days long.
I reported him to E-bay after he sent me the bait-and-switch e-mail message with the higher prices. (Note that he did not answer any of my questions, just sent me the price list. Guess he thought I was a sucker...) After E-bay shut his acution down he was back up a week later with the same ad but with a different user ID. I sent him a new message asking for more info, and the dumb ass actually reponded with the same price list as before! So I sent ANOTHER fraud report to E-bay.
This went on for 4 iterations before the guy finally got tired of trying to scam people with RGB laser projectors. But I understand he's still trying to do it with telescopes and a few other items. There's a thread on alt.lasers (usnet) about it...
I was thinking it's a scam, but I was wondering a little because lasers are not items that a lot of people are interested for, and the description was good... I've seen scam for Ipod, etc but not for lasers until now :?
I don't emailed the seller. In all the way I really don't want to buy an item like this without Paypal payment to a seller that has no evaluation :lol:
Conclusion again : too good to be true on eBay == scam![]()
I have just seen that someone buyed this laser...
Now I wait for a positive evaluation that will certainly never come, and the seller will delete his account :?
We have a 1w laser up on ebay here:
Great quality, and comes standard with 10k analogue mod
KVANT Australian projector sales
Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices
Dear Guys ,
who want to purchase high quality laser (532nm ,473nm,1064nm,671nm etc ) but at lowest price , don't hesitate to contact me ! I can promise to satisfy all your requirment !
I will always here waiting for you . :P
the photo is actually from Rumzing, I bought many units from them, quality is indeed very good, www.rumzing.com
but the size of laser is from CNI or Lasercentury, but they all are from CNI, you can see www.cnilaser.com or www.lasercentury.com their beam quality is much worse than that listed on ebay, their beam is more than 3mm, divervence is very very big, While rumzing laser beam is very thin, divergence is very small.
the seller knows CNI or Lasercentury quality is not good though their price is low, so he put Rumzing laser photos on the site to sell CNI laser, because selling CNI laser is difficult , but Rumzing laser is very good, the seller worried about selling is difficult if he uses CNI photo, so, he used Rumzing photos.
if users hope to buy this laser, you can contact directly with Rumzing,
This seller don't know what laser he was selling, because he just has no laser to sell, it was just a big scam...
Furthermore, he is not any more on eBay now (banned or he deleted his account?), you can see it on the auction!